
Susan Rice Denies Trump Surveillance

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Donald Trump blames Susan Rice

Politics –
Susan Rice Denies
Trump Surveillance

Donald Trump simply refuses to let go of the notion that former President Barack Obama “tapped my wires.” Now, he has implicated former National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

Susan Rice served as the US Ambassador to the UN, before being asked by President Obama to serve as his National Security Adviser. As is the job of the NSA, the agency was conducting their usual telephone monitoring of foreign adversaries, when, they encountered frequent conversations between the Russian government and several unnamed American citizens. In the course of her job responsibilities, Susan Rice petitioned to determine the identities of the Americans involved in the electronic surveillance of foreigners and discovered the Americans were affiliated with the Trump campaign.

Now, Susan Rice is being forced to defend her job actions as proper and necessary for her responsibilities and not part of some nefarious political espionage against “The Donald” and his campaign.

susan rice

“The allegation is that somehow the Obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes,” Ms. Rice told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. “That’s absolutely false.”

“There were occasions when I would receive a report in which a US person was referred to — name not provided, just a US person — and sometimes in that context, in order to understand the importance of the report and assess its significance, it was necessary to find out, or request the information as to who the US official was,” Rice said.

The purpose, she said, was “to do our jobs,” but “absolutely not for any political purpose, to spy, expose, anything.”  She added that she had never made public the identities of any Trump associates mentioned in intelligence surveillance. “I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would.”

“The notion that some people are trying to suggest, is that by asking for the identity of a person is leaking it, is unequivocally false,” Rice said. “There is no connection between unmasking and leaking.”

In his self-imposed belief that the words of Susan Rice on MSNBC somehow justify him being right all along, Donald Trump is now arguing that “the real story” should no longer be the FBI investigation into contacts between Trump associates and Russia, but the “crooked scheme” by Barack Obama to spy on him. He even tweeted on Tuesday: “”There was electronic surveillance of Trump, and people close to Trump. This is unprecedented.”

Does it appear that Susan Rice purposely and specifically spied on Donald Trump and his associates for political gain? Or did she simply do her job by tracing the identities of the unnamed American citizens who were having regular discussions with the Russian government, only to later discover they were Trump’s people… BEFORE the election??

Sorry, Donald, but the answer is crystal clear. Susan Rice just isn’t the smoking gun you’ve been looking for to justify your outlandish spy claims!



OK WASSUP! discusses politics:
Susan Rice Denies Surveillance


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Politico Reader:
    Just another epiphany for,the deplorables. Trump's administration is in the sh*tter. People are {possibly} going to jail. Trump tried to lay off heat with the Obama wiretap fiasco. He got laughed off the planet. So now, they are going against Rice who is hated by the right. As far as distracting the moron base, she is a good target. In the long run it won't work but screw the long run. Trump plays checkers, while everyone else is playing chess. […]

    I've never been a fan of Susan Rice. Frankly I don't think she served Pres. Obama well at all. But for some reason he continued to have confidence in her and kept her on as his National Security Adviser.

    That said.

    This attack on Rice is a sorry-azz attempt to distract/ and deflect media attention AWAY from the real issue of possible Treason committed by Trump and/or members of his campaign. And indeed it will probably work on the Repub base because Trump supporters have absolutely NO interest in Truth and Facts.

    As Politico Reader put it – Trump is playing the short game, "checkers." It's all he's got.

    Whether or not it'll work on our greater American populous? We shall see.

  2. On a related note (for anyone who may really want to get into the weeds of this topic)…..

    "Trump’s Russia Distractions Are Getting Desperate"

    Susan Rice’s alleged “unmasking” wasn’t illegal, or even unusual.

    President Trump and his aides have been doing all they can to divert attention from the mounds of evidence linking him or his campaign aides to Russian intelligence, but the latest distraction—the Susan Rice “unmasking”—ranks among the most desperate. Yet because the issues it raises are so obscure and confusing, it might also prove among the most effective. So let us wade into the muck.

    Here are the facts, as we now know them. […] Fred Kaplan, Slate writer

    Full Read: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/w

  3. Slate Reader:
    So Trump's agitprop is again successful. He took a story about an apparent legal and proper action by the government in it's investigation of Donald Trump for possible treason and turned it into a story about his oppression at the hands of Obama. He and Bannon know that the media thrives on the conflict, not the story, so this will have plenty of legs for a few news cycles—even if the actual story is 180 degrees to the narrative offered.

    The silver lining here is that people seem to be getting tired of Trump's attempts to serve sh*t sandwiches to them as hamburgers, and the only people left behind him are the approximately bottom 35 percent of Americans who are too stupid or racist to know better. […]

    Slate Reader:
    Republicans are smearing Susan Rice because they hate blacks and especially powerful black women. They're all *Klannish,* they just don't go to meetings and wear sheets. […]

  4. No matter what Donald says this still doesn't excuse the fact he was in contact with Russia while they were hacking our election. If Susan Rice did or did not find out the names doesn't matter. This is just another plot to take peoples minds off the fact that he was in cahoots with Russia. I'm tired of his games.

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