Comments on: Susan Rice Named National Security Adviser News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: truthiz Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:05:31 +0000 I'm gonna agree with Perry Bacon Jr.(writer for on this one…..

Perry points out that among the major implications of this promotion of Rice are the following:

1. It illustrates a president (during his 2nd term) willing to stand up for his allies (SEE: The President's support for Chuck Hagel).

2. It will quiet critics of the diversity of Obama’s team (at least for awhile anyway)

3. It suggests Republicans have gained all they can politically from the fallout of the Benghazi attacks.

Read: "5 reasons why Obama’s promotion of Susan Rice is a major move"

And #3 really has to bite with the Repubs because they surely thought they had the President on the ropes (AGAIN) only to discover (to their dismay AGAIN) that he's still very much standing and still very much President…lol.

By: Mr. BD Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:50:33 +0000 Repubs are P*SSED OFF they have no say in this and Obama can pick who he wants. No you can't micro manage the White House!
