Facebook Archives - OK WASSUP! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 04 Mar 2024 02:37:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.okwassup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/OK-Large1-5583da98v1_site_icon-32x32.png Facebook Archives - OK WASSUP! 32 32 91711956 Free Speech, Social Media, And The Supreme Court https://www.okwassup.com/free-speech-social-media-and-the-supreme-court/ https://www.okwassup.com/free-speech-social-media-and-the-supreme-court/#comments Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:03:00 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=31882 Should free speech (and the ability to spread false information) be allowed to exist any and everywhere without parameters? Politics :That’s an argument the US Supreme Court began grappling with on Monday after critics claimed that free speech — particularly on social media — should have limitations and not be given free rein to go …

Free Speech, Social Media, And The Supreme Court

https://www.okwassup.com/free-speech-social-media-and-the-supreme-court/feed/ 2 31882
Alabama Riverfront Brawl Breaks Social Media https://www.okwassup.com/alabama-riverfront-brawl-breaks-social-media/ https://www.okwassup.com/alabama-riverfront-brawl-breaks-social-media/#comments Tue, 08 Aug 2023 11:03:00 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=30595 If you were wondering why folding chair memes and mentions of a “Black Aquaman” swimmer have flooded social media over the past 48 hours, it’s all because of a wild Montgomery, Alabama Riverfront brawl that took place over the weekend. Current Events :The (now) historic Alabama Riverfront brawl began when a Black security guard told …

Alabama Riverfront Brawl Breaks Social Media

https://www.okwassup.com/alabama-riverfront-brawl-breaks-social-media/feed/ 6 30595
Twitter Is Rebranded As ‘X’ Says Elon Musk https://www.okwassup.com/twitter-is-rebranded-as-x-says-elon-musk/ https://www.okwassup.com/twitter-is-rebranded-as-x-says-elon-musk/#comments Thu, 27 Jul 2023 11:03:00 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=30515 Rest in peace, Twitter. You’ve been officially replaced by X! Tech :Apparently, Elon Musk (who purchased Twitter last year for a whopping $44 billion) has too much time and too much money on his hands. Or, in other words, he’s bored. That can be the only explanation for why Musk abruptly decided over the weekend …

Twitter Is Rebranded As ‘X’ Says Elon Musk

https://www.okwassup.com/twitter-is-rebranded-as-x-says-elon-musk/feed/ 8 30515
Sextortion Scams Are Targeting America’s Teens https://www.okwassup.com/sextortion-scams-are-targeting-americas-teens/ https://www.okwassup.com/sextortion-scams-are-targeting-americas-teens/#comments Mon, 23 May 2022 11:03:00 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=27738 As if being a teenager wasn’t already enough, now there’s a new danger specifically targeting America’s pre-adults: ‘sextortion.’ Lifestyle :If you’ve never heard of sexploitation, the story of 17-year-old Ryan Last will best explain the social media scheme. Ryan Last One day while browsing social media, Ryan received a direct message from a beautiful teenage …

Sextortion Scams Are Targeting America’s Teens

https://www.okwassup.com/sextortion-scams-are-targeting-americas-teens/feed/ 3 27738
Trump’s Truth Social Network Is An Epic Failure! https://www.okwassup.com/trumps-truth-social-network-is-an-epic-failure/ https://www.okwassup.com/trumps-truth-social-network-is-an-epic-failure/#comments Tue, 15 Mar 2022 11:03:00 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=27336 Surprise! Surprise! Donald Trump’s TRUTH SOCIAL network is an epic failure! PoliticsEverything Donald Trump has in his homes and hotels may be plated with gold — but everything he touches is certainly far from gold. Such is the case with Trump’s TRUTH SOCIAL, a network that was created to (supposedly) rival Facebook and Twitter after ‘The Donald’ …

Trump’s Truth Social Network Is An Epic Failure!

https://www.okwassup.com/trumps-truth-social-network-is-an-epic-failure/feed/ 2 27336