Fox News

Anti Face Mask Americans Are Going Wild!
Top News Today

Anti Face Mask Americans Are Going Wild!

Americans have gone anti-face mask crazy and are bucking national safety protocols with threats of defiance and acts of actual…
Republicans vs COVID19, Fauci, And The Truth!

Republicans vs COVID19, Fauci, And The Truth!

The GOP is engaged in an all-out battle against the coronavirus — except, not in the way you might think. …
ObamaGate Is ‘DOA’ According To Republicans

ObamaGate Is ‘DOA’ According To Republicans

On Monday, Donald Trump gave birth to ‘ObamaGate.’  By Tuesday, Republicans were already aborting it and calling it dead on…
Disinfectant Remark Was ‘A Joke’ Says Trump
Current Events

Disinfectant Remark Was ‘A Joke’ Says Trump

After suggesting that disinfectant injections of common household products might be an effective treatment or cure for COVID-19, Donald Trump…
Georgia, Bowling Alleys, And DOJ Lawsuits
Current Events

Georgia, Bowling Alleys, And DOJ Lawsuits

The governors of Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Attorney General William Barr have apparently lost their damned minds. Current Events…
Trump Threatens To Sue Over Coronavirus Ad

Trump Threatens To Sue Over Coronavirus Ad

An angry Donald Trump threatens to sue over a new coronavirus ‘hoax’ ad which has portrayed him in a light…
Fox News Lawsuits Over Fake Coronavirus News?
Current Events

Fox News Lawsuits Over Fake Coronavirus News?

Anchors over at ‘Faux News’ spent the greater part of the coronavirus outbreak downplaying the pandemic as a Democratic hoax. …
Insider Trading, Coronavirus, And The GOP
Top News Today

Insider Trading, Coronavirus, And The GOP

Democratic and Republican leaders are calling for the immediate resignation of 2 Republican Senators who were caught in an insider…
Coronavirus Parody On Saturday Night Live

Coronavirus Parody On Saturday Night Live

Granted, coronavirus is not a joke.  However, the coronavirus parody on last weekend’s Saturday Night Live depicting just how badly…
Trump Coronavirus Response Is A Failure!
Current Events

Trump Coronavirus Response Is A Failure!

Look out, America.  The Donald Trump coronavirus response has been a colossal failure! Current Events World nations agree that the…
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