Charlottesville: White Lives Matter Melee’
- Trump's response ridiculed. TAKE OUR POLL!
If anyone actually thought racism was a thing of the past in America and that we should all move on and stop talking about it, they need not look any further than the events of Charlottesville, Virgina over the weekend.
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The Southern Poverty Law Center is calling it “the largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades.”
Friday night’s “White Lives Matter” march was a wake-up call. Saturday’s violent Neo-Nazi/white supremacist melee’ that left 19 injured and 1 woman dead was an even bigger wake-up call. However, the response (or lack thereof) by Donald J. Trump was an absolute nightmare!
White nationalists, Nazi’s, Ku Klux Klansmen, and other racist misfits were called to Charlottesville by Matthew Heimbach, a 26-year-old Maryland native who married into an Indiana family and quickly rose to prominence in the white supremacist movement. Their official reason for gathering was to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue from the park that previously bore his name. However, when they all showed up in riot gear while carrying mace and donning makeshift police shields, it didn’t take long to figure out their true game.
“The biggest thing is a show of strength,” Heimbach said prior to the rally. “To show that our organizations that have been divided on class, been divided on religious issues, divided on ideological grounds, can put 14 words — ‘We must secure the existence of our people and the future for white children’ — as our primary motivating factor.”
He added: “I don’t want to fast forward 40 years and look my grandchildren in the eyes and have them say, ‘Why didn’t you do anything to stop this?’”
Yes, America, this is what “oppressed” white men look like.
Chanting “White Lives Matter,” “Take Our Country Back,” and other racial and anti-Semitic rhetoric, hundreds of radicals from around the country descended on Charlottesville with an agenda much bigger than a statue of General Lee. As their placards boldly stated, they were there to prove that the white race is “THE master race” and to take Donald Trump up on his word to give them their country back.

“We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back,” former Grand Dragon of the KKK David Duke gleefully told television cameras.
Yes, all the racist and divisive bullshit Donald Trump spewed throughout the campaign, all the violence he permitted and even egged on at his rallies, all the chants of “Make America Great (i.e. WHITE) Again” he and his supporters screamed and shouted, has all boiled up to the surface. These bigots have boasted how they delivered the Oval Office to Trump (and Steve Bannon) and made him the most powerful leader of the free world. Now, Donald, it’s time to pay the piper.
These white idiots see the rapid “browning” of America (they still haven’t gotten over a 2-term black president). They see their majority status slipping away. They see their jobs and their economic power slipping away. And they have no intention of slipping silently into 2nd place. They are ready for an all-out race war, with Donald Trump as their modern-day General Robert E. Lee.
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So, how did “The Donald” respond to scores of white nationalists completely overtaking a US city and a known Nazi using a car to run over and kill an innocent American citizen? Like the spineless, pathetic, excuse of a leader that he is, that’s how!
During and after the divisive “White Lives Matter” march on Friday night, Trump and his White House cronies remained as silent as a church mouse. By Saturday morning and while all hell was breaking loose, Trump continued to play the role of a mute. It was only after First Lady Melania Trump tweeted out a personal statement against the violence that “The Donald” felt like he should probably at least say something.
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence, on many sides. On many sides,” Trump said. “It’s been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time.”
This is the same man who was deeply critical of Barack Obama for not calling Muslims who staged attacks against Americans “Islamic Terrorists.” Yet, he refused to put a label on the Charlottesville evil and call out the dirty bigots for what they really are: “WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISTS!”
Throughout the remainder of the day on Saturday, political pundit after political pundit continuously questioned when Trump would finally come around to calling the protesters out as the domestic terrorists that they are. Yet it was all by design. He never did and he never will. Here’s why.
KKK leader David Duke was right. Donald Trump is in The White House today because of all the racists who put him there. They are his base. With an unprecedented approval rating hovering around 35%, Trump is not about to piss off the wind beneath his wings. So, he appeared in front of the television cameras and delivered a whole lot of mumbo-jumbo that didn’t mean diddly squat.
Trump could have completely condemned the white terrorism with the same fervor that he has summoned against Islamic terrorism — but he didn’t. Trump could have told all the white nationalists, Nazi’s, and anti-Semites to disperse immediately or else he would order the Justice Department to prosecute each and every one of them to the full extent of the law — but he didn’t. Instead, he mumbled some mealy-mouthed dog doo doo about there being violence and wrong doing on both sides. It was a moment that will go down as one of the most shameful spectacles in American history.
Sometimes we just need to say it without adornment or finessing.
What we’re watching unfold in Charlottesville, with hundreds of white people bearing torches and chanting about the value of white lives and shouting slurs, is not a “far Right” protest. When you move that far right, past humanity, past decency, past goodness—you’re something else.
You’re not a supremacist, you’re not a nationalist, and you’re not alt-Right.
This is racism.
This is domestic terrorism.
This is religious extremism.
This is bigotry.
It is blind hatred of the most vile kind.
It doesn’t represent America.
It doesn’t represent Jesus.
It doesn’t speak for the majority of white Americans.
It’s a cancerous, terrible, putrid sickness that represents the absolute worst of who we are.
– Jon Pavlovitz
Donald Trump has opened Pandora’s Box and now, the chickens have come home to roost. The events of Charlottesville are only the beginning. These white nationalists have spent decades preparing for a race war and to return the white race to the throne of power where (they believe) it belongs. Now, they are ready to implement their plans.
Too bad the orange-haired ignoramus in The White House is indebted to these bigots, is in over his head, and has absolutely no clue on how to be a REAL leader in the midst of a national crisis.
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I wanted to show up early today because I already knew what would be the discussion. What we saw the other day was a total disgrace. But it was no surprise either. In a way I”m glad it happened just to shut up all those people who claim racism is over. That rally looked like it was 1960 all over again. We as black people are not making things up when we say we experience racism everyday from white people, police, everybody. I hope people will take us serious now after seeing that. As for Trump we can stop expecting him to talk bad about he people because it is not going to happen. Those are his folk like David Duke said and he proved it was true with that bs speech he gave talking about “all sides are guilty.” I’m hear at work and a whole lot of people are being real quiet today and not discussing it. We’ll see.
I have been dying to try the upload pic feature so I hope this works. Anyway somebody sent this to me from a racist newspaper talking about Trump.
Yes, BD they actually discussed this on MSNBC (and even CNN if I’m not mistaken).
I want the Neo-Confederates/Neo-Nazi TRIBE to keep wrapping themselves around Trump and the Republican party. Let there be NO doubt as to WHO White supremacists view as their leader and which political they feel best represents their Neo-Confederates/Neo-Nazi worldview AND family values.
The majority of White America will tilt one way or the other and THAT will reveal the Truth about America.
Spot on correct Truth. As long as Trump has Steve Bannon as his right hand man it doesn’t matter what he says. Him and Bannon are the face of racism from the White House.
I can truly say that I have such mixed emotions about all of this…but before I get to that I want to say….
My heart goes out to the families of those 3 courageous people who lost their lives as a result of the White supremacist, Neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville. Virginia State Trooper, H.J. Cullen and Trooper Berks Bates. And also Ms. Heather Heyer, a peaceful. anti-fascist protester. All 3 are dead today because of Evil. Just pure evil.
Sadly, I do recognize that America (my country) is now at a critical cross-road. And though I’d rather NOT see my country have to go through this painful experience, I know that it is necessary in order for Us (WE who truly love this country) to FINALLY confront the Evil that is today’s Confederate/NeoNazis movement which is rooted in the DEADLY ideological mix of White Supremacy, irrational FEARS and unbridled Hate.
And let me say- I truly believe the role the majority of WHITE Americans play in all this (more than any other group) will be crucial in determining the future of this country. Not because they are supposedly “Superior” to all other racial groups (no such thing). But because they are still the dominant “ruling” group, if you will.
Now about Trump and the Republican party…………
In the words of the great Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
The Republican party began showing Us who they are soon after Pres. Lyndon. B. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964. As per the history books, White Supremacists of that day – in particular Southern, White “Dixiecrats” – abandoned the Democratic party with a quickness and ran straight into the Open arms of the Republican party. Many. if not most, of today’s White supremacist Confederate/Neo Nazis are their descendants. And they are a sizable chunk of the Republican base.
As for Trump? Well haven’t we all seen and heard quite enough of that hateful, lying-azz, spineless, little Coward over the years to know who he really is?! Yep.
He can’t denounce his Confederate/Neo-Nazi brethren. He’s beholden to them….just like the Republic party.
It’s hard to imagine we still have this level of hate in 2017. God bless all those who were injured or killed.
white nationalist who attends the University of Nevada, Reno says that he is not the “angry racist” that is portrayed in a viral photo of him carrying a torch at a white nationalist protest rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Peter Cvjetanovic, 20, told KTVN that he traveled from Reno to Charlottesville to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
The student said that he wanted to attend the rally to support the white nationalist movement.
“I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic opined. “It is not perfect; there are flaws to it, of course. However I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the United States and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland. Robert E Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.”
Cvjetanovic said that he never expected the frightening photo of him to go viral.
“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was,” he noted. “I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”
Cvjetanovic added: “As a white nationalist, I care for all people. We all deserve a future for our children and for our culture. White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have.”
whites have rights in this country to you know. if blacks can go around marching about black lives matter we can to
Yes whites have rights like everybody else. But what all these Nazis and racists are fighting for is to hold on to their majority rule. They don’t want to share the country they want to rule it like they always have. But this is a new day and that is not going to fly anymore.
“Trump Lashes Out At Merck CEO For Quitting Presidential Panel”
Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier on Monday announced that he would leave the White House’s manufacturing council, citing President Donald Trump’s failure to explicitly condemn white supremacists after a man who espoused extreme views rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters in Charlottesville.
“America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal,” Frazier said in a statement. “As CEO of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.” – TalkingPointsMemo (TPM)
Trump tweet:
“Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President’s Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!”
“Father Denounces Son Identified As Participant In White Supremacist Rally”
The father of a man identified as a participant in a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, publicly denounced his son’s “vile, hateful, and racist rhetoric and actions” on Monday.
“My name is Pearce Tefft, and I am writing to all, with regards to my youngest son, Peter Tefft, an avowed white nationalist who has been featured in a number of local new stories over the last several months,” he wrote in a letter to North Dakota-Minnesota news site Inforum.
Tefft’s father said his son “did not learn” white nationalist rhetoric “at home” but attended the rally Saturday in Charlottesville, where he “was interviewed by a national news outlet while marching with reported white nationalists.”
“We have been silent up until now, but now we see that this was a mistake. It was the silence of good people that allowed the Nazis to flourish the first time around, and it is the silence of good people that is allowing them to flourish now,” he wrote. “Peter Tefft, my son, is not welcome at our family gatherings any longer.” – TalkingPointsMemo (TPM)
Also I’d like to point out that the deafening SILENCE of most “White Christians” NOT “formally” affiliated with Neo-Confederate/Neo-Nazi White supremacist groups is very telling…..and EXACTLY what I expected from most of the rank-and-file members within that population.
And let’s not be baited by such foolishness as “whites have rights in this country to you know. if blacks can go around marching about black lives matter we can to..”
That strawman is a pathetic attempt to deflect from the ACTUAL discussion. Neo-Confederate/Neo Nazi White Supremacists have crawled out from their dark places and brought their isht into mainstream to try and intimidate all “Others” from partaking FULLY in America’s promise. “That ALL men are created Equal.”
This is 2017. Love WILL conquer hate. And *Equality* will reign.
I just watched Trump live online trying to fix his Saturday statement for the fifth time now. He finally said the words KKK, white racists and all but you could tell he was real uncomfortable. He acted like somebody had forced him to do it which they probably did. It was so unsincere I just didn’t buy it. These white racist know they have Trump in their pocket and he is not going to say or do anything to mess that up.
Breaking News: Facing growing pressure from ALL corners…………
Trump is finally forced to call OUT the KKK, Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists as “Criminals and Thugs”
People are already saying “it’s much too little and much too late.”
“Sessions: Charlottesville Attack Meets Definition of Domestic Terrorism”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the violent attack Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a white supremacist allegedly drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters at a white supremacists rally, fits the Department of Justice’s definition of domestic terrorism.
“It does meet the definition of domestic terrorism in our statute. We’re pursuing it with the Department of Justice in every way we can make it, make a case,” he said, appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Monday morning. “You can be sure we will charge and advance the investigation toward the most serious charges that can be brought, because this is an unequivocally unacceptable and evil attack that cannot be accepted in America, so absolutely that is a factor that we will be looking at.”
Sessions made the rounds on news shows Monday morning, defending the President for his initial statements about the incident, amid criticism that President Donald Trump didn’t go far enough to condemn white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups. […] – TPM
And of course you just knew THIS was going to be the case……..
“We’re Learning More About The Charlottesville Driver, Including His Disastrous Military Career”
…as more information emerges about the 20-year-old who is charged with ramming his Dodge Charger into a crowd of anti-racism demonstrators, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer, the more it becomes clear he was a troubled young man.
We now know that Fields had a short, somewhat disastrous military career. He reported for Army basic training in August of 2015, but was kicked out of active duty that December for failing to meet basic training standards. […] – RedState
Couldn’t handle BASIC military training …but um, yeah, somehow that’s “someone else’s” fault./sarc
Most of these evil yahoos are just Losers who Scapegoat because they can’t deal with their own failures in life.