George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman ‘Celebrity Boxing Match’ Canceled!
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George Zimmerman ‘Celebrity Boxing Match’ Canceled!

. Current Events – George Zimmerman ‘Celebrity Boxing Match’ Canceled! He killed unarmed 17-year-old teenager Trayvon Martin. Suddenly, George Zimmerman…
Top 10 Stories Of 2013
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Top 10 Stories Of 2013

Top News Today – Top 10 Stories Of 2013 The year 2013 was a big year for news. The U.S.…
Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Woman Released From Jail
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Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Woman Released From Jail

Top News Today – Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Woman Released From Jail The Florida woman who shot a warning shot…
George Zimmerman On The Edge
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George Zimmerman On The Edge

Top News Today – George Zimmerman On The Edge Is George Zimmerman dangerously unstable and even suicidal?  According to his…
George Zimmerman Arrested and Jailed!
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George Zimmerman Arrested and Jailed!

Current Events – George Zimmerman Arrested and Jailed! Fate wanted him behind bars but a dumb confused “different thinking” jury…
George Zimmerman In Trouble…AGAIN!
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George Zimmerman In Trouble…AGAIN!

Current Events –  George Zimmerman In Trouble…AGAIN! When George Zimmerman was given a free pass acquitted this summer in the…
Another ‘White vs. Black’ Killing
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Another ‘White vs. Black’ Killing

In May of last year in Milwaukee, WI, 13-year-old Darius Simmons was taking out the trash in front of his…
Zimmerman Got Away With Murder!
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Zimmerman Got Away With Murder!

Juror B37 may have told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “George” Zimmerman had every right to shoot and kill Trayvon Martin…
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UPDATE: The family that George Zimmerman saved from an overturned vehicle earlier this week insists that, while they are thankful…
100 Marches For Trayvon
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100 Marches For Trayvon

Exactly one week after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the murder of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the nation came together…
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