Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions Gets The Trump Boot

Jeff Sessions Gets The Trump Boot

Does the new Democrat-controlled House of Representatives have Donald Trump secretly shaking in his boots?  The firing of Attorney General…
Sessions – Justice Dept. Under Trump Attack

Sessions – Justice Dept. Under Trump Attack

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the United States Justice Department are under direct attack from none other than Donald J.…
Immigrant Children Separated At Border
Top News Today

Immigrant Children Separated At Border

Thanks to Donald Trump, immigrant children are being separated from their parents and families at the border. Where is the…
Saturday Night Massacre Looms For Trump
Top News Today

Saturday Night Massacre Looms For Trump

The historical Saturday Night Massacre is responsible for bringing down the Richard M. Nixon presidency.  Now, Donald Trump may be…
McCabe Firing A ‘Dick Move’ By ‘The Donald’

McCabe Firing A ‘Dick Move’ By ‘The Donald’

In perhaps the biggest “dick move” in modern politics, Donald Trump directed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire FBI Deputy…
Jeff Sessions Being Used To Get Mueller?

Jeff Sessions Being Used To Get Mueller?

jeff sessions Riddle me this: Why has Donald Trump been publicly gunning for his hand-picked attorney general Jeff Sessions and…
Tillerson Tires Of Trump, Contemplates Quitting

Tillerson Tires Of Trump, Contemplates Quitting

Move over, Sean Spicer. You can add Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to the growing list of appointees who have…
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