John Bolton

Donald Trump Taxes And Other Trouble

Donald Trump Taxes And Other Trouble

The Donald Trump taxes are headlining a very bad week for the former Oval Office occupant. Politics :When Trump ran…
The Terrible Trump Week That Made Him Miserable!

The Terrible Trump Week That Made Him Miserable!

WOMP! WOMP! Let’s take a look at the TERRIBLE Trump week that has absolutely routed Donald Trump and his re-election…
No Witnesses Is A Good Thing. Here’s Why!
Top News Today

No Witnesses Is A Good Thing. Here’s Why!

Americans from coast to coast are understandably pissed and up in arms now that the Republican-led Senate refused to call…
Fox News Bashed Bolton: The Daily Show

Fox News Bashed Bolton: The Daily Show

Former Trump NSA John Bolton was once a Republican neocon hero — that is until Fox News bashed Bolton and…
Bolton To Have Last Laugh On Trump?
Top News Today

Bolton To Have Last Laugh On Trump?

When Donald Trump fired National Security Advisor John Bolton and kicked him out of The White House in September, little…
Kim Jong Un Could Cancel Trump Summit

Kim Jong Un Could Cancel Trump Summit

Thanks to Donald Trump and his new national security advisor, John Bolton, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is on…
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