
Same-Sex Marriage Bill Close To Reality
Gay & Lesbian

Same-Sex Marriage Bill Close To Reality

Hip Hip Hooray!! A same-sex marriage bill is close to becoming the official law of the land. Gay Rights:On June…
You Are Officially Old If You Recognize This

You Are Officially Old If You Recognize This

How old are you? Do you consider yourself young, middle-aged, or old? Is it possible that you are officially old…
Flat Earthers And The Lack Of Common Sense

Flat Earthers And The Lack Of Common Sense

Riddle me this: What do Flat Earthers share jointly with common sense? NOTHING! Science :You probably live down the street…
Stray Dog Kicked; Delivers Dose Of Karma
Current Events

Stray Dog Kicked; Delivers Dose Of Karma

They say karma is a bitch. Well, at least it was for one (presumably female) stray dog. Lifestyle :In a…
Interracial Couple Dragged Over ‘Dog’ Nuptials

Interracial Couple Dragged Over ‘Dog’ Nuptials

An interracial couple is being dragged through the mud over their… ahem… ‘dog’ wedding. LifestyleTra’ Alexander, a Black man, and…
Funny Signs For Your Friday!

Funny Signs For Your Friday!

Show of hands: who doesn’t love funny signs? EntertainmentWe’ve all seen a funny sign or 2 in our travels. We’ve…
Gender: The Fight To Erase ‘Male’ And ‘Female’

Gender: The Fight To Erase ‘Male’ And ‘Female’

A modern-day movement is attempting to erase gender norms in America.  However, the ultimate goal appears to be headed toward…
Telosa: The Modern ‘Metropolis’ Of The Future

Telosa: The Modern ‘Metropolis’ Of The Future

Telosa, a modern and sustainable new metropolis with the cleanliness of Tokyo, the diversity of New York, and the social…
Evictions Set To Begin As Pandemic Aid Ends
Current Events

Evictions Set To Begin As Pandemic Aid Ends

Get ready, America.  Landlords and mortgage holders are about to pull the trigger and commence with evictions and home foreclosures…
Eviction Moratorium End Could Leave Millions Homeless
Current Events

Eviction Moratorium End Could Leave Millions Homeless

Millions of Americans are at risk of becoming homeless after the COVID-era eviction moratorium expired over the weekend. Current Events…
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