
El Paso Stunt Staged In Trump Wall Debate

El Paso Stunt Staged In Trump Wall Debate

The City of El Paso, Texas has delivered a stern message to Donald Trump:  Stop using our city to help…
Shutdown Deal Reached; Donald Trump Caves!
Top News Today

Shutdown Deal Reached; Donald Trump Caves!

With a shutdown deal reached and the US government reopened, how does Donald Trump save face now? Top News Today…
SOTU Address Officially ‘A No-Go’ Says Pelosi

SOTU Address Officially ‘A No-Go’ Says Pelosi

“Dear Donald Trump:  Your SOTU Address before a joint session of Congress is hereby officially CANCELED.  Signed, Nancy Pelosi.” Politics…
Wall Of Racism: A Symbol Of White Power And Privilege
Current Events

Wall Of Racism: A Symbol Of White Power And Privilege

On the surface, Donald Trump claims his beloved border wall is necessary to halt an imminent emergency threat to our…
Prime Time Trump Plea Falls Flat On Arrival

Prime Time Trump Plea Falls Flat On Arrival

It was the Hail Mary pass America was waiting to witness:  a prime time Trump plea to give him his…
Holiday Roundup 2018: Stories We Missed
Current Events

Holiday Roundup 2018: Stories We Missed

Typically, the news cycle is rather slow during the holidays.  However, with Donald Trump in the Oval Office, the Holiday…
Government Shutdown Threat A Farce!

Government Shutdown Threat A Farce!

Surprise!  Donald Trump’s government shutdown threat unless he gets his Mexico wall was a lot of hot air! Politics With…
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