Mike Bloomberg Archives - OK WASSUP! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 23 Mar 2020 03:24:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.okwassup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/OK-Large1-5583da98v1_site_icon-32x32.png Mike Bloomberg Archives - OK WASSUP! 32 32 91711956 Potential Joe Biden Cabinet Could Create Unity https://www.okwassup.com/potential-joe-biden-cabinet-democrats-united/ https://www.okwassup.com/potential-joe-biden-cabinet-democrats-united/#comments Thu, 19 Mar 2020 11:03:22 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=22580 After handily winning Super Tuesday III and effectively locking up the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden is now that much closer to the presidency.  Having already discussed who his choice of running mate might be and, instead of more doomsday coronavirus news, let’s take a look at what a potential Joe Biden cabinet could look like …

Potential Joe Biden Cabinet Could Create Unity

https://www.okwassup.com/potential-joe-biden-cabinet-democrats-united/feed/ 8 22580
Bloomberg Bombed ‘Bigly’ In Democratic Debate https://www.okwassup.com/bloomberg-bombed-bigly-in-democratic-debate/ https://www.okwassup.com/bloomberg-bombed-bigly-in-democratic-debate/#comments Thu, 20 Feb 2020 12:03:29 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=22478 Former New York City mayor and current presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg had a lot to prove in his very first Democratic debate of the 2020 campaign.  However, Bloomberg bombed so badly amongst his political peers that even his billions seem unlikely to save him moving forward. Politics Accused of attempting to hijack the Democratic nomination …

Bloomberg Bombed ‘Bigly’ In Democratic Debate

https://www.okwassup.com/bloomberg-bombed-bigly-in-democratic-debate/feed/ 8 22478
Mike Bloomberg: A Democratic Rising Star? https://www.okwassup.com/mike-bloomberg-a-democratic-rising-star/ https://www.okwassup.com/mike-bloomberg-a-democratic-rising-star/#comments Tue, 04 Feb 2020 12:03:48 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=22369 While the Democratic Iowa Caucusus were in chaos after voter inconsistencies prevented them from releasing a single result as of midnight early Tuesday morning, political pundits were left scrambling to fill hours of television time with something credible to discuss.  And so began the conversation of Mike Bloomberg for president. Politics Yes, Mike Bloomberg, the …

Mike Bloomberg: A Democratic Rising Star?

https://www.okwassup.com/mike-bloomberg-a-democratic-rising-star/feed/ 2 22369