Current Events
The Republican Party has been grandstanding lately with some highfalutin claims that President Obama’s budget is bad for the country and how Republicans could do so much better with a much better plan. Well, the President called their bluff, challenging if they have a better plan, show it! So, tired of being labeled the Party of NO! the GOP accepted the challenge, stepped up to the plate and put their money where their mouth is — or did they?
On Thursday, the GOP released a glossy blue pamphlet containing THEIR version of a better budget for the country. Expectations were high and networks cut away from President Obama’s internet town hall meeting to cover the Republicans live. But after reading it cover to cover, what did it contain? NOTHING! The “plan” was filled with vague and rhetorical spouts of nothingness, with no specifics, no numbers and no clear or concise explanation why THEIR plan was any better than what was already presented by the president. Well, needless to say, the Repubs became instant comic fodder and a virtual laughing stock from network to network, as they squirmed on national T.V. trying to justify and rationalize…well…nothing!
Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com
pokes fun at the GOP “plan”
The GOP itself is internally at odds over the rushed and unsuccessful process (thanks, Michael Steele), and embarrassment over the botched roll-out has caused a great deal of finger pointing and infighting. Well, the Democratic National Committee decided to join in the fray by releasing a funny new video now mocking the GOP as the Party of Zero. WATCH:
LOL The Republicans are just a running joke of their former selves. If their moves weren't so funny they'd be pathetic.
I don't know Anon(?) Yep. Their "moves" are quite amusing. But they're also pretty pathetic too_smh.But all "JOKES" aside; I’ve gotta ask:When was the last time “the Party of NOTHING” came up with even ONE credible idea that proved to be “good” for America and Americans, in terms of politics?_policy?_and governance?The truth is: I’ve been researching that very question and I can NOT find anything in, at least, the last 50 years!?!Nada. Zip. Zilch. ZERO.A person with even a modicum of intelligence and being of “sound mind” would know that the odds of the Repubs actually keeping thier promise to present a CREDIBLE alternative budget proposal this week are slim-to-NONE.And the fact that the GOP is NOW being “officially” exposed as the party of “NOTHING” _or ”Nothing but catastrophically BAD sh*t” begs the question:WHY on earth did it have to take so long?!
And in further amusing “news”….The party of "NOTHING” continues its journey BACK to nowhere:Repubs have now “disinvited” their party’s former VP nominee, Palin, as the headliner of their big spring fundraising dinner and replaced her with former House Speaker “Newty”.As per the GOP, Gingrich was chosen_after Palin “vacillated publicly about the appearance, sources familiar with the situation said Tuesday.""Gingrich, still popular with the conservative base, will be the keynote speaker for the annual Senate-House GOP dinner, which will be held on June 8 at the Washington Convention Center, hosted by National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Texas) and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas).”Hat-tip: HuffPostHat-tip: Politico You simply can NOT make this stuff up_lol.