Rex Tillerson

Trump Friend-To-Foe Club Is Growing

Trump Friend-To-Foe Club Is Growing

Now that John Bolton has become the newest member of the Donald Trump Friend-To-Foe Club, Trump’s choice circle of so-called…
Tillerson Fired By Trump; More Ousters To Come

Tillerson Fired By Trump; More Ousters To Come

On Tuesday, Donald Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson via Twitter, then giddily bragged that more ousters were on…
Trump-Kim Meeting Rife With Risks… For Trump
Top News Today

Trump-Kim Meeting Rife With Risks… For Trump

Either Hell has frozen over or God is playing a practical joke on America — but as the world now…
Babysitting Trump Is Stressful For Staff

Babysitting Trump Is Stressful For Staff

Donald Trump may have played the role of a president last night on national television, but rest assured it was…
Corker: WH Staff Saving Trump From Chaos

Corker: WH Staff Saving Trump From Chaos

Sen. Bob Corker… By now, most of the free world knows that Donald Trump is a raging lunatic and his…
Tillerson Tires Of Trump, Contemplates Quitting

Tillerson Tires Of Trump, Contemplates Quitting

Move over, Sean Spicer. You can add Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to the growing list of appointees who have…
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