Robert Mueller

Impeach Or Indict? Trump Talks To Fox News

Impeach Or Indict? Trump Talks To Fox News

Like a bad horror movie, the fallout continues from Donald Trump’s bizarre interview with Fox News last week.  Aside from…
Manafort GUILTY! Cohen Confesses: Trump Did It!!
Top News Today

Manafort GUILTY! Cohen Confesses: Trump Did It!!

On Tuesday, the case involving Donald Trump, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and former Trump attorney/fixer Michael Cohen took an explosive twist.…
Truth Isn’t Truth: Giuliani’s Laughable Trump Defense

Truth Isn’t Truth: Giuliani’s Laughable Trump Defense

It’s the pathetic defense heard (and now mocked) around the world.  ‘Truth isn’t truth,’ former NYC mayor turned Trump lap-dog…
Collusion ‘Not A Crime’ Says Rudy Giuliani

Collusion ‘Not A Crime’ Says Rudy Giuliani

Former New York City mayor and current Donald Trump flunkie, Rudy Giuliani, is known for making wild and outlandish statements. …
Saturday Night Massacre Looms For Trump
Top News Today

Saturday Night Massacre Looms For Trump

The historical Saturday Night Massacre is responsible for bringing down the Richard M. Nixon presidency.  Now, Donald Trump may be…
Roger Stone Warns Impeachment Would ‘Risk Life’
Current Events

Roger Stone Warns Impeachment Would ‘Risk Life’

“DON’T MESS WITH TRUMP!”  That is the very stark advisory from Trump confidant Roger Stone, who also issued an extremely…
West Wing Shake-Up; Trump Team Crumbles

West Wing Shake-Up; Trump Team Crumbles

Don’t look now, but there’s been yet another shake-up inside Donald Trump’s West Wing.  What does this latest series of…
McCabe Firing A ‘Dick Move’ By ‘The Donald’

McCabe Firing A ‘Dick Move’ By ‘The Donald’

In perhaps the biggest “dick move” in modern politics, Donald Trump directed Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire FBI Deputy…
Sam Nunberg ‘Drunk’ TV Meltdown!

Sam Nunberg ‘Drunk’ TV Meltdown!

Have you heard the one about Sam Nunberg, you know, the former Donald Trump aide and ally who spent most…
Kushner Conflict, Controversy, And Security Clearance

Kushner Conflict, Controversy, And Security Clearance

He’s Donald Trump’s son-in-law.  He’s also Trump’s senior advisor and “right-hand man,” having been named “Czar” of almost everything.  So,…
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