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He’s usually never at a loss for words — until last week when he was caught stammering and stuttering over alleged photos of him that were tweeted to a Seattle co-ed.  Why was he caught off guard, you ask?  Well at least now we know why!

Calling his actions “dumb,” Weiner tearfully appeared before the media yesterday with a stunning admission that he originally lied about the Twit-pic, that his Twitter account had not been hacked, that the photo was indeed of him, that he took the photo and that he sent the photo to the Seattle woman as a “joke.” And after conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart snooped and found other photos and situations the congressman has been involved in over the years, Weiner admitted to that too.  According to Weiner, he has been having regular inappropriate contact with several women via Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.  He says he’s never met these women in person and has never physically cheated on his wife of 1 year, but refused to answer if he’s ever had phone sex with these women. “I haven’t told the truth and I’ve done things I deeply regret,” a choked up Weiner said.  “I brought pain to the people I care about the most and to the people who believed in me.  And for that I’m deeply sorry.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has asked the congressional ethics committee to look into Weiner’s actions to determine if any laws or house rules have been broken in his shortcomings, including investigating the age of the women in question, and if the congressman used congressional computers or equipment in his dealings with these women.  But Weiner says his Blackberry is not government issued and he only used his own personal computer at home to contact the women.  Still, this could prove to be an ugly and partisan episode on Capitol Hill.

If this were Europe, Weiner’s actions would likely be a non-issue since the personal lives or infidelities of politicians there usually have no bearing on their political careers. But this being the United States, should Weiner resign over this issue? Does his marital infidelity and lying about it affect his job as a congressman?  Or is all of this a personal matter and frankly none of our business?



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. <span><span>As pointed out by DJ: If this were Europe this *story* would less likely BE a *story.*        And bw: Isn't it PAST time that We (Americans) STOP with the ridicules puritanical MYTH that Americans are somehow *morally supperior* to the people of other nations! Just WHO are we trying to fool???        Adult Americans are the same as adults all over the world. And adults all over the world, including America, can behave BADLY. Politicians are no different. It's called Human Nature and as individuals, we ARE who we ARE.        Weiner appears to have broken NO laws. He engaged in kinky sex via ONLINE (and perhaps telephone) interactions. A matter for him and his wife to address between themselves. </span>  <span></span> <span>But here's my issue with the man….</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>DJ asked: </span><span><span>“Does his marital infidelity and lying about it affect his job as a congressman?” </span></span>  <span><span></span></span> <span><span></span><span>IMO, it most certainly has, at least over the past week. </span></span>  <span><span></span></span> <span><span></span><span>When the FIRST story broke: instead of Weiner coming clean and moving on he opted to LIE about it over and over again. He gave no less than 9 interviews, LYING his azz off about his initial mess when he knew there was a lot MORE mess out there waiting to come to light!?!</span></span>  <span><span></span></span> <span><span>I</span></span><span><span>n short: ALL of his actions were incredibly ARROGANT and incredibly STUPID and, FOR THAT, I think he should resign.</span></span></span>

  2. This dude has got some big problems. But as long as he didn't break any laws I don't think it's none of our buziness. The press is making too much of it.

  3. Shame on me! I hadn't even considered this:Jason Linkins:"Here's the part I can't reconcile: when this story broke and Weiner began lying about it, he knew full well that this caused an unholy amount of upheaval in the life of Genetta Cordova – the women to whom the crotchshot image was sent, via Twitter — as well as numerous other women and girls whose only crime was that they followed him on Twitter. And yes, we can say that it was the unrestrained hordes of the media and the partisan blogosphere that mounted up and rode into that despairing crevasse, but the simple fact of the matter is that Weiner could have ended that instantly has he just come clean in the first place.Regardless of what fruit is borne from further investigations and Ethics Committee ministrations, Weiner really cannot at this moment truthfully say that the harm done here is confined to himself, his family and people with whom he entered into consensual quasi-sexual relationships, who were perfectly capable of gaming out how all this would end for themselves.By perpetuating his lie, Weiner failed to minimize the harm meted out to perfectly innocent people. As far as I can tell, causing harm to innocent women isn't a thing we should tolerate in our public servants, and it doesn't comport to any progressive values of which I am aware. […]

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