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BLM Sign + White Guy + Racist American City

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Who knew a BLM sign could cause so much chaos?

When a white man traveled to Harrison, Arkansas — AKA a major Ku Klux Klan headquarters — and stood on the side of the road holding a Black Lives Matter sign, he knew he would get some pushback.  However, he was probably unprepared for the vile hate thrown his way.

“F*ck You!,” “I wouldn’t stay after dark, man,” and “About 10 minutes I’m gonna be back. You better be f*cking gone,” are just a few of the words of “welcome” the man received.

Interestingly, one message was personally hand-written and handed to him by an anonymous woman.  “Ignore the haters.  You’re being peaceful.  What your (sic) doing is good.  Just a friendly reminder, don’t give up hope,” said the message.

BLM sign

Regrettably, many White Americans have bought into the incorrect theory that saying Black Lives Matter means ONLY Black lives matter — or that Black lives are somehow more important than others.  That’s why they’ve frequently promoted the slogan “ALL LIVES MATTER.”  However, the truth is that Black lives are in jeopardy at this point in time, which is the ONLY reason there is focus on the word “Black.”

Take a look at the hateful video below and applaud this White fellow for having the courage to hold a Black Lives Matter sign in what he himself calls “the most racist town in the United States.”


OK WASSUP! discusses Racism:
Man holds BLM sign in KKK territory.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Now see DJ (pause)…there you go again with the kindness. But okay…(smile)

    The truth is, most White Americans know EXACTLY what “Black Lives Matter” means. They haven’t bought into OR are confused about it at all. They know darn well We’re NOT saying Black lives are more important than others. So let’s STOP giving them cover. 

    All throughout the history of America WE (Black Americans) have allowed White Americans to get away with Pretending they don’t know the Truth about the actual Black experience in this country (the relentless injustices, inequalities and violence) WE have been subjected too and had to endure for almost 400 years now. And all throughout American history ALL of that Evil has done tremendous damage to them and incalculable harm to (and wreaked havoc on) Us, in every way imaginable and unimaginable.  

    Btw DJ- I thank you, as always, for putting up with Me and allowing me, and your other readers to have such an open and honest discussions about anything, especially serious topics such as this. 

  2. In conclusion………………

    I’ve thought about this (Black America’s forgiving nature) a lot in recent years. The truth is, WE descendants of Slaves have continued to love this country…and give our ALL to, and for, this country. All the while knowing that this country has NEVER loved Us back.  

    And yet, some white Americans have the nerve to be upset because this year, in 2020, Americans (of ALL races) all across this land finally state boldly that “YES. Black Lives Matter” too..!?!

    Well guess what? I’m not going to give those white folks the satisfaction of thinking that I give a fig. 

    Because honestly, I don’t. 

  3. They talk about make America great again. But this video shows what America really is.

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