Trayvon Martin

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UPDATE: The family that George Zimmerman saved from an overturned vehicle earlier this week insists that, while they are thankful…
100 Marches For Trayvon
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100 Marches For Trayvon

Exactly one week after George Zimmerman was acquitted for the murder of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the nation came together…
Obama Walks Fine Line
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Obama Walks Fine Line

President Obama spoke to the nation last week regarding the Trayvon Martin case and the resulting verdict that acquitted George…
TGIF: Tribute To Trayvon
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TGIF: Tribute To Trayvon

This has been a difficult week, especially for those who feel justice failed when George Zimmerman was acquitted for killing…
100 ‘Trayvon’ Marches Planned
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100 ‘Trayvon’ Marches Planned

Peaceful protests and marches across the country continue to form in honor of Trayvon Martin — and they don’t seem…
Zimmerman Goes To Jail
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Zimmerman Goes To Jail

George Zimmerman may have been acquitted over the weekend for the murder of Trayvon Martin, but when he walked out…
Zimmerman Juror Speaks
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Zimmerman Juror Speaks

A juror from the George Zimmerman murder trial has gone public. Juror B37 appeared anonymously last night on CNN’s Anderson…
Stevie Stands For Trayvon
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Stevie Stands For Trayvon

R&B legend Stevie Wonder has long been a champion of civil rights and causes affecting humanity and is not stopping…
Not Guilty???
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Not Guilty???

At approximately 9:59pm on Saturday night, the 6 jury members in the trial of The State of Florida vs. George…
George Zimmerman = Dead Man Walking?
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George Zimmerman = Dead Man Walking?

George Zimmerman may still be on trial for killing Trayvon Martin, but his fate may already be sealed. Yesterday, defense…
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