unbiased political news Archives - OK WASSUP! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 24 May 2021 02:14:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.okwassup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/OK-Large1-5583da98v1_site_icon-32x32.png unbiased political news Archives - OK WASSUP! 32 32 91711956 New Mask Mandate Causes Mass Confusion https://www.okwassup.com/new-mask-mandate-causes-mass-confusion/ https://www.okwassup.com/new-mask-mandate-causes-mass-confusion/#comments Thu, 20 May 2021 11:03:13 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=25596 The CDC’s new mask mandate is not only causing mass confusion, but it’s actually making some Americans fighting mad! Current Events Last week, the CDC delivered an unexpected surprise by issuing yet another new mask mandate.  This time, CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told Americans they may finally take off their dreaded masks — provided …

New Mask Mandate Causes Mass Confusion

https://www.okwassup.com/new-mask-mandate-causes-mass-confusion/feed/ 2 25596
Gavin Newsom Attempts Stunt To Halt Recall Vote https://www.okwassup.com/gavin-newsom-attempts-stunt-to-halt-recall-vote/ https://www.okwassup.com/gavin-newsom-attempts-stunt-to-halt-recall-vote/#comments Tue, 11 May 2021 11:03:35 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=25536 Are the days of Gavin Newsom as governor of California numbered?  Not if his planned stunt to halt a recall vote has anything to do with it. Politics At least 1.6 million Californians have signed a petition ordering the recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.  Their reasons for wanting to kick him out of office …

Gavin Newsom Attempts Stunt To Halt Recall Vote

https://www.okwassup.com/gavin-newsom-attempts-stunt-to-halt-recall-vote/feed/ 1 25536
COVID Vaccine Has Become Politicalized https://www.okwassup.com/covid-vaccine-has-become-politicalized/ https://www.okwassup.com/covid-vaccine-has-become-politicalized/#comments Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:03:04 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=25356 Why must everything have a political angle?  More specifically, why have we allowed the COVID vaccine to become politicalized? Politics Sadly, health, science, general well-being, and overall common sense have all become political issues within the United States.  Democrats/liberals have collectively chosen to accept science and follow COVID protocols, while Republicans/conservatives have widely chosen to …

COVID Vaccine Has Become Politicalized

https://www.okwassup.com/covid-vaccine-has-become-politicalized/feed/ 5 25356
The Biden Cabinet Is Making History https://www.okwassup.com/the-biden-cabinet-is-making-history/ https://www.okwassup.com/the-biden-cabinet-is-making-history/#comments Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:03:18 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=24888 The Biden cabinet is shaping up and making history. Politics President Joe Biden already made triple-history by selecting a Black and South Asian WOMAN in Kamala Harris to be his vice-president. However, Mr. Biden didn’t stop there. He vowed to select a cabinet that would look like America — and that’s exactly what he did. …

The Biden Cabinet Is Making History

https://www.okwassup.com/the-biden-cabinet-is-making-history/feed/ 2 24888
New COVID Strain Discovered In Europe https://www.okwassup.com/new-covid-strain-discovered-in-europe/ https://www.okwassup.com/new-covid-strain-discovered-in-europe/#comments Tue, 22 Dec 2020 12:03:08 +0000 https://www.okwassup.com/?p=24612 Don’t look now, but a brand new COVID Strain that officials have already branded as “highly contagious” is blanketing Europe. Health Known as VUI-202012/01 (which stands for “variant under investigation” along with the date of 12/01/2020), the new COVID strain was first discovered in the United Kingdom. However, it has since made its way to …

New COVID Strain Discovered In Europe

https://www.okwassup.com/new-covid-strain-discovered-in-europe/feed/ 6 24612