Vladimir Putin

Brittney Griner Freedom Gets Mixed Reviews
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Brittney Griner Freedom Gets Mixed Reviews

Brittney Griner is free and back home in America. Too bad everyone isn’t all that happy with the news. Top…
Anti-War Protests Overtake Russia
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Anti-War Protests Overtake Russia

Don’t look now, but anti-war protests IN Russia — BY Russians — are rattling Vladimir Putin into a frenzy. Top…
Ukraine War = The End Of Putin?
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Ukraine War = The End Of Putin?

Could the Ukraine War be the end of the iron-fist reign of Russian President Vladimir Putin? One foreign policy expert…
Unhinged Putin Has No Way Out!
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Unhinged Putin Has No Way Out!

Russian President Vladimir ‘Unhinged’ Putin has been backed into a corner and has no way out of the Ukraine invasion…
Biden SOTU Address 2022 Promotes Optimism

Biden SOTU Address 2022 Promotes Optimism

In the first official State of the Union address of his presidency, the Biden SOTU Address 2022 leaned into a…
Vladimir Putin vs The World!
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Vladimir Putin vs The World!

As Vladimir Putin continues his invasion of Ukraine, the world is unexpectedly uniting to bring the Russian leader to his…
Ukraine Under Attack By Russia!
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Ukraine Under Attack By Russia!

On Wednesday night, Russian President Vladimir Putin made good on his threats and invaded Ukraine, prompting whispers that World War…
Biden vs Putin Set For Wednesday

Biden vs Putin Set For Wednesday

Biden vs Putin is all set and the first in-person meeting between President Joe Biden and Russian president Vladimir Putin…
Trump’s Taxes Exposed As A Scam, Says New York Times
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Trump’s Taxes Exposed As A Scam, Says New York Times

Are you among the millions of Americans who’s been curious about Donald Trump’s taxes? Well, wonder no more — but,…
Russian Bounty Against US Military Personnel
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Russian Bounty Against US Military Personnel

Is there a Russian bounty on the heads of the men and women of the United States military? Top News…
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