After Charlottesville: The Racial Fallout

After Charlottesville…
We all know what happened in Charlottesville over the weekend. However, what’s in store for America AFTER Charlottesville? Let’s take a look at the immediate after-effect and what to expect next:
After Charlottesville – RACIAL UPRISING
Feeling emboldened and victorious following a bloody weekend attended by thousands and covered by hundreds of news media outlets from around the world, white nationalists are celebrating with glee the events of Charlottesville. Not only did the weekend of hate unite Nazi’s, separatists, and other racist fringe groups against their “enemies,” but Donald Trump all but gave them the green light that their actions were above rebuke and would go unpunished.

“We’re going to be more active than ever before,” Matthew Heimbach, the white nationalist leader who orchestrated the Charlottesville weekend said Monday. His white radical comrades didn’t waste any time putting those words into action.
On Monday, white nationalist Richard Spencer submitted a request to speak next month at the University of Florida. Additionally, white rabble-rouser Preston Wiginton announced that he was planning a “White Lives Matter” rally at Texas A&M University in September.
Heimbach, who heads the Traditionalist Workers Party, called Saturday’s event “an absolute stunning victory” and the nation’s largest gathering of white separatists in more than a decade. A neo-Nazi website echoed those sentiments and promised more events just like it very soon.
“We are going to start doing this nonstop. Across the country,” the site vowed.
After Charlottesville – DONALD TRUMP
Following days of criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike for his extremely ambiguous denouncement of the Charlottesville terrorism, Donald Trump attempted a do-over on Monday.
“Racism is evil — and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” a visibly reluctant Trump said.
Although he called the perpetrators by name, “The Donald” soon learned later in the day that the damage was done and irreversible.
Kenneth Frazier, the CEO of Merck and arguably one of the country’s most prominent black business leaders, quit Trump’s manufacturing council, saying it was important for him to “take a stand against intolerance and extremism” in the wake of Trump’s failed condemnation. Not long after, the CEOs of Under Armour and Intel followed suit and joined Frazier in quitting Trump’s manufacturing council.
Our country’s strength stems from its diversity and the contributions made by men and women of different faiths, faces, sexual orientations and political beliefs. America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal. As CEO of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism. – Kenneth Frazier, Merck CEO
Less than an hour later, Trump took to Twitter and launched an all-out attack against Frazier.
“Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President’s Manufacturing Council, he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!” Trump tweeted.
His tweet only added more fuel to the fire, as political pundits were quick to point out that if Trump could issue a full-throated attack against Ken Frazier, why couldn’t (or wouldn’t) he do the same against neo-Nazi white radicals?
After Charlottesville – DAVID DUKE

By the end of Donald Trump’s watered-down rebuke of the white nationalist’s protests in Charlottesville, former KKK leader David Duke was quick to chastise “The Donald” for his forced statements against the radicals.
“It’s amazing to see how the media is able to bully the President of the United States into going along with their FAKE NEWS narrative,” Duke tweeted.
His social media rant followed an earlier message to Trump, where Duke reminded him: “I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.”
After Charlottesville – STEVE BANNON
For anyone who has been following the aftermath of the Charlottesville terrorist event, one key political player has gone missing in action: Steve Bannon.

Bannon, a known white nationalist who works as the chief White House strategist to Donald Trump, has been laying low for the past several days — and rightly so. Criticism from both the left and right has been so powerful during the past 72 hours, that Bannon is said to be in genuine fear of losing his job.
Reportedly, Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch, national security adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, and others have been in Trump’s ear of late urging him to fire Bannon. They believe that for as long as Bannon remains a central figure inside The White House, Trump will forever be subjected to claims that he is a mere puppet to Bannon and the white radical movement. However, Trump has failed to follow through — partially because of his disdain for confrontation, but also because he’s legitimately fearful of what Bannon could/would do to undermine him if he is sent packing in an ugly divorce.
“I don’t think that White House has a chance of functioning properly as long as there’s a resident lunatic fringe,” said Mark Salter, a longtime adviser to Senator John McCain. He added that although he doesn’t know for sure if Bannon is prejudiced, he seems more than willing to “tolerate something that’s intolerable” inside Trump’s base.
Current Events
The immediate and impending fallout after Charlottesville does not look good. White nationalists and neo-Nazi radicals are promising continuous race riots in the foreseeable future; David Duke and his element are going public with the news that they’re in bed with Donald Trump and are ready, willing, and able to implement his agenda on behalf of the white race; Steve Bannon could soon be out of a job, but could also end up telling all and becoming Trump’s worst nightmare; and the presidency of Donald Trump continues to spiral out of control, as Americans from both the left and the right are beginning to see him as a protector of racists and an absolute failure as a legitimate leader.
Stay tuned, America — we appear to be in for a very bumpy ride.
Really good post DJ. Well done.
And if I may add. Apparently two more CEOs on Trump’s Business Council have finally had enough.
As reported on MSNBC last night, Kevin Plank, CEO of Under Armour Inc, as well as Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, have also stepped down.
Have to run to a meeting now but I will be back to talk about Duke and Trump.
Okay so….DJ is absolutely correct to point out “White nationalists and neo-Nazi radicals are promising continuous race riots in the foreseeable future; David Duke and his element are going public with the news that they’re in bed with Donald Trump and are ready, willing, and able to implement his agenda on behalf of the white race.”
And unlike Trump, who has NO core values at all, Duke truly believes in the Neo-Confederate White supremacy cause. He and his ilk are desperate for Trump’s fake presidency to succeed in turning back the hands of time and restoring White America back to absolute dominance (cultural, political and economical). They will NOT be played by Trump.
Duke will haunt Trump like a full-blown case of Herpes Simplex ll, less Trump begins to falter on keeping his promise to “Make America {White} Again.”
Trump got these bigots all riled up so naturally they are ready to make America white again and take their country back. That’s what this is all about. They don’t want to give up majority status. As for Trump that speech he gave yesterday was embarrassing. You could tell he didn’t want to say any of that and somebody wrote it for him. That’s not what he believes. Look at that pic of his parents in the KKK and him picking Steve Bannon as his right hand man. What does the man have to do to prove he is of that ilk. So get ready because what happened in Charlottesburg is about to start happening everywhere. These racists are not playing.
Beyond petty political squabbles, Trump has never been overly cautious or shy about denouncing or naming those who carry out terror attacks, often using passionate, angry language to make his point.
After the nightclub massacre in Orlando last summer, Trump called the gunman a “son of a b—h” and, in a tweet, relayed “reporting” from an unknown source that claimed, “Orlando killer shouted ‘Allah hu Akbar!’ as he slaughtered clubgoers.”
In February, less than a week after Trump let pass without comment a French-Canadian man’s deadly attack on a mosque in Quebec City, the President was quick to tweet his condemnation of “a new radical Islamic terrorist.”
The more recent controversy has actually been building for more than a week. On Saturday, August 5, an assailant pitched a bomb into the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota. Gov. Mark Dayton labeled the attack “a criminal act of terrorism.” Trump, though, had nothing to say.
So the temperature was already up when a white supremacist mob descended on Charlottesville late Friday, parading around the city with their store-bought torches. As the rally turned violent that night, and clashes with anti-racist protesters carried over into Saturday morning, Trump was nowhere to be found.
Update: “Texas A&M abruptly cancels planned white nationalist rally”
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas A&M University late Monday abruptly canceled a planned white supremacist rally on its campus next month, amid bipartisan pressure from state lawmakers who said hatred should be rejected in all forms — despite First Amendment protections. […]
“Another Exec Resigns From Manufacturing Council After Trump Tweet”
Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul became the fourth executive to resign from the President’s council on American manufacturing on Tuesday.
I’m resigning from the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative because it’s the right thing for me to do. — Scott Paul (@ScottPaulAAM) Aug. 15, 2017
Paul’s tweet followed minutes after President Trump decided to take to Twitter to call those who have dropped out “grandstanders.” – RedState
I just watched the Donald Trump press conference. Due to the horrific nature of his words, I have already scrapped tomorrow’s planned post and will be discussing this at length tomorrow.
– DJ