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Don’t look now, but all hell has broken out within the Tea Party!

In case you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon lately, you may have missed an ongoing rift between the “not-really-a-party” Tea Party and the NAACP.  A few days ago, NAACP President Ben Jealous spoke out against the Tea Party tolerating racism within the movement, pointing out specifics such as their depiction of President Obama as a Witch Doctor, among other atrocities. Enter Tea Party activist Mark Williams, who is best known for calling the Manhattan Borough President a “Jewish Uncle Tom” and President Obama an “Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug,” among other gems. Williams didn’t take kindly to Jealous’ remarks about his beloved Tea Party and went on CNN calling the NAACP itself a “racist” organization, for having the name “Colored” still within its title.  He then took it a step further, writing a mock letter as if he were Ben Jealous to President Lincoln, entitled “Colored People.” Here is an excerpt of the letter, which was written in the supposed voice of slaves:

“Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!”

He then went on to say blacks don’t want taxes cut because “how will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn?” For the national Tea Party movement, that was the last straw!

In taking such a public hit due to the antics of one of the higher-ups within their own ranks, particularly since the Tea Party has long been thought of as a racist movement, they did what few thought they had the gumption to do — they kicked Mark Williams and his “Tea Party Express” followers out of the organization. “We, in the last 24 hours, have expelled Tea Party Express and Mark Williams from the National Tea Party Federation because of the letter that he wrote,” said Tea Party spokesman David Webb, who happens to be African-American. “Good riddance, Mark Williams,” said NAACP President Ben Jealous, who also praised David Webb and his colleagues for standing up and “self-policing” their movement.

But the expelled Mark Williams is mad as hell and fit to be tied. In a statement following his removal, Williams said:

“That careless individual tea partier who assumed the mantel of ‘leadership’ did so long enough to turn a critical and serious movement and delicate peace with skeptical groups into a World Wrestling style personality conflict with me at the center. There are internal political dramas amongst the various self-anointed tea party ‘leaders,’ and some of the minor players on the fringes see the Tea Party Express and Mark Williams as tickets to a booking on “Fact [sic] the Nation.’ “

Ironically, the National Tea Party Federation said it ordered the Tea Party Express to remove Williams from their faction and to make it “prominently” clear on their Website that they had done so. But they did not. And so, David Webb and his national leaders did it for them.

Williams’ response: “Who’s the National Tea Party Federation anyway?”




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Williams is an ignorant-azz and hateful to boot. My guess is, he thought his "Letter to Lincoln" would be viewed as “witty” and whatever blowback he’d get wouldn’t amount to much given his history of spewing some of the most vile rhetoric I’ve ever heard and never being held accountable for it…this is til NOW. Examples include his description of Pres. Obama as an "Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief.” Then there was the “our half white, racist president” comment.How bout his theory on Islam: “Repeat after me: Islam is a 7th Century Death Cult coughed up by a psychotic pedophile and embraced by defective, tail sprouting, tree swinging, semi-human, bipedal primates with no claim to be treated like human beings or even desirable mammals for that matter.”His "hateful hits" goes on and on_but he's never been so much as even sanctioned by "movement leaders" whoever they are(?) And quite frankly, beyond causing further embarrassment for the GOP which is now controlled by Tea-Party folks, I’m not sure what his expulsion by the Tea-Party Federation really means at this point(?) And ironically, the the NAACP may now be facing its own "pot-calling-the kettle black" PR embarrassment:Today it’s being reported (along with a video) that a black USDA official in Georgia has resigned after publicly admitting she didn't help a white man trying to save his family farm to the "full force" of her power and instead referred him to "one of his own." Why is this important?_because (1.) She was a government official charged with a duty to help that man save his farm. She didn’t do it to the full extent of her power and ability because of the color of HIS skin…and…(2.) She admitted her actions in remarks made to a local chapter of the “NAACP.”She defends her admission by saying that her remarks were taken "out of context" and that she was referring to an incident that happened 24 yrs ago. But WHY on earth is she NOW telling any group about a discriminatory act she committed 24 yrs ago?_UNLESS she's already gone to that man and apologized for the act_and/or she was expressing her sincere remorse for having behaved in such a manner in the first place(?) If neither of those conditions apply, then the NAACP should have taken this woman to task! The NAACP must be as vigilant in rooting out racism whereever that road leads, including the Black community!Source:

  2. The Tea Baggers got exposed by one of their own. They were only supposed to say those things behind closed doors but that Williams guy got high and mighty and took it to the streets. So of course they had to remove him.I do believe the Tea Party is filled with mostly racists. Why else would they need their own movement if they weren't? And I'm surprised when I see a black face here or there in that group who just doesn't get it. David Webb? smhGood point Trhuthiz about the USDA official. That was just plain ignorance. Both people should have learned a great lesson here; you don't say things in a public setting unless your ready to go to battle over your words.

  3. Hmm just as I was typing my post CNN was saying that the NAACP believes the USDA official was railroaded and that the documents were doctored by somebody trying to bring her down. Also the white farmer in question along with his family have come to her defense, saying she saved their lives. Interesting!

  4. Regarding CNN: I'm watching it now BD. I should have held my fire until ALL of the evidence was in. "NAACP Retracts Criticism of Sherrod" […]Shirley Sherrod, a black USDA official, was forced to resign after comments about a white farmer; NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider the ouster.NAACP leaders are calling on the Obama administration to reconsider its ousting of a black Agriculture Department worker who was pushed out of her job over racially tinged remarks, reversing their previous criticism of the employee. NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous said in a statement that the group was "snookered" into believing that USDA employee Shirley Sherrod expressed racist sentiments at a local NAACP meeting in Georgia earlier this year. Jealous said conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website posted video of Sherrod's remarks, deceived millions of people by releasing only partial clips. He said the full video makes clear that Sherrod was telling a story of racial unity. "The tape of Ms. Sherrod’s speech at an NAACP banquet was deliberately edited to create a false impression of racial bias, and to create a controversy where none existed," Jealous said Tuesday afternoon. "This just shows the lengths to which extremist elements will go to discredit legitimate opposition." The Obama administration said it was standing by its decision to oust Sherrod, despite evidence that her remarks were misconstrued and calls for the USDA to reconsider. Sherrod said she was on the road Monday when USDA deputy undersecretary Cheryl Cook called her and told her the White House wanted her to resign because her comments were generating a cable news controversy. […]Full Read: <a href="… />I wholeheartedly retract my criticism of Sharon Sherrod. I fell for a right-wing race-baiters “bait and switch” hitpiece on this woman. There’s absolutely NO excuse for my failure to WAIT and see the evidence. The same goes for the White House_smh.

  5. This has indeed become a very interesting story, even as we speak. Since it is still developing I intend to lead with this story tomorrow. Check back and be sure to comment then. I have a feeling the discussion should be quite spirited.- DJ

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