Comments on: TEA PARTY = RACISM News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:48:02 +0000 The racist angle is so tiring. It is one of the only tools you have when you & your misguided minions debate. Oh yes, & name calling. Teabaggers is very offensive & you shouldn't use it if you want any creditability when defending your ideas. You would be right on one thing. When Barack Hussein Obama rose to power, it was a very disturbing thing for average Americans (asleep at the wheel, admittedly, & bloated w/ the success of capitalism), to realize the facts of who this "Grand Deceptor" truly is. What little we can find out about his past is shocking! The rest is sealed away because the truth is too disturbing for a gullible public. But the loving people in power & the corporate owned press can manipulate the dumbed down masses with great success. Divide & conquer. Create racism where there is none & ridicule & call names. That's all they've got! But it does work to their advantage! I think that this president has bad ideas because he never had to test them in the real world. He is only an academic with bad unproven theories & dangerous ideas. I would easily have voted for Herman McCain for president but then the racist card could not have been played. Imagine a debate where ideas were the focus! Wow! Now that is revolutionary! Herman is a great man & his ideas are based on very sound real world experience. Race has NEVER been in the heart of any tea partier I've ever known! If you hear it on MSNBC enough times, I guess that makes it a fact. Average people are starting to awake to your Socialist nightmare of destroying this country through Keynsian style spending. We can't borrow our way out of this. Maybe that is the point of this frustrating barrage of madness emanating from the Whitehouse. To fundamentally transform this country. The question is: Will you like what you end up with because it is going to get much more uglier.

By: Kev Fri, 15 Apr 2011 19:52:47 +0000 I will NEVER EVER marry a Republican if I marry anyone….

By: Kev Fri, 15 Apr 2011 19:52:47 +0000 I will NEVER EVER marry a Republican if I marry anyone….
