Comments on: TEA PARTY TO BACHMANN: ‘Quit!’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 31 Oct 2011 18:30:45 +0000 <span>First, Pat Robertson warns that today's right-wingers scare the bejebus out of him.   Then you have the likes of George Will warning that with Romney there is absolutely NO "there" there.      Now a long-time Bachmann ally (and right-wing nutjob) Bradlee Dean, "an anti-gay hair-metal evangelist" says that Bachmann "Stinks."    Bradlee Dean:  I was listening to a radio show, and she was asked a question and she would not answer the question. And it's like you are such a great, upstanding, upright, citizen that you cannot answer the question that was just asked you. She was asked two different times. She kept going to the left. She would not answer the question. And the next thing you know, she starts talking about her presidential campaign – what she was going to do and jobs this and jobs that. That's not what he asked you, lady – just answer the question…   It's like the guy that walks around with an open container of cheesee, you know those little string-cheese deals, in his pocket. Everyone's walking around trying to figure out, 'Where's that smell coming from? You stink you stink.' And everyone knows who stinks, they're just trying to figure out why that individual stinks. Well, go look. But that individual's walking around with their nose in their air like they're all that and a bag chips. And she doesn't realize everybody's lookin' at her, like, 'Lady, you stink.' […]   Full Read: Long-time Bachmann Ally Jumps Ship: "Lady, You Stink"</span><span>…</span><span></span><span>Wow. So um…when even the "crazy" folk in your own party start complaining that you're too "Crazy" for even them to endure any longer, how much further, pray tell, can you fall???  </span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:42:40 +0000 The truth is, I forced myself to watch an entire interview of this lunatic woman yesterday when she appeared on ABC News’s “This Week with Christiane Amanpour.”Honestly, I looked for ANY sign that would explain to me why ANY responsible and rational person would vote to put this woman in any position of authority…ANY position of authority. I thought to myself Surely this woman must possess some redeeming quality. SURELY.   Good. Lord.I saw NOT 1 sign. Heard NOT 1 good reason. Nothing. Zip. Nada. She literally made my HAIR hurt just listening to her endless nonsensical babble.And people in Minnesota actually voted to send this woman to the U.S. Congress!?! Unbelievable.
