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It’s been the talk of the Internet and the buzz of the blogs for the past 36 hours.  Yet somehow, all of us at OK WASSUP! missed it. I’m talking about the health care question posed at Monday’s GOP debate, and the controversial response the audience provided.

Apparently, if you’re uninsured and on the brink of death, that is a comical laughing matter to some members of the Tea Party.  Or at least it was Monday night at the debate in Tampa.

GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, who is also a doctor, was asked hypothetically by debate moderator Wolf Blitzer how society should respond if a healthy 30-year-old man who decided against buying health insurance went into a coma and required intensive care for six months. “That’s what freedom is all about, taking your own risks,” Paul said, adding that the man should not be the government’s responsibility.

“Are you saying that society should just let him die?” Blitzer asked Paul. But before Paul could respond, the conservative Tea Party audience made their presence known with several loud cheers of “yeah!” followed by laughter.

So — the Tea Party finds it hilarious that a 30-year-old man is in a coma and should therefore die rather than receive compassion from the U.S. government??  Hmmm…

Watch the clip for yourself:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. <span>"It's been the talk of the Internet and the buzz of the <span><span><span>blogs</span></span></span> for the past 36 hours.  Yet somehow, all of us at <span>OK WASSUP!</span> missed it." hold on there I didn't miss this story.   In fact, it was referenced, yesterday, in the "Quote of The Day" comment I posted on your "Rick Perry Flustered In Debate" thread.    That same quote also referenced the Repub audience, last week, applauding over 200 executions under Perry during that debate.   Here's a repost:   "Teabaggers cheer the execution of hundreds of people, they cheer the prospect of a young hard-working man dying for lack of healthcare, they threaten violence against “enemy” politicians…they are a pack of wild dogs, and represent the greatest threat this country has seen since the Civil War. And these cowards in the Republican Party are terrified of confronting them. They know the pack would turn on them and tear their throat out in a heartbeat."   ~ Commenter @FrumForum</span>

  2. You are absolutely correct Truthiz!This blog story was written and put into que for publishing prior to your comments.  So I was unaware that you caught the Tea Party antics and had actually commented on it before I made the posting.  My apologies.So my humble thanks to Truthiz for catching the "Yeah, die" remarks before I did!   😛

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