Comments on: TEA PARTY TO UNINSURED: “Yeah, Die!” News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: DJ Wed, 14 Sep 2011 22:51:36 +0000 You are absolutely correct Truthiz!This blog story was written and put into que for publishing prior to your comments.  So I was unaware that you caught the Tea Party antics and had actually commented on it before I made the posting.  My apologies.So my humble thanks to Truthiz for catching the "Yeah, die" remarks before I did!   😛

By: Truthiz Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:31:28 +0000 <span>"It's been the talk of the Internet and the buzz of the <span><span><span>blogs</span></span></span> for the past 36 hours.  Yet somehow, all of us at <span>OK WASSUP!</span> missed it." hold on there I didn't miss this story.   In fact, it was referenced, yesterday, in the "Quote of The Day" comment I posted on your "Rick Perry Flustered In Debate" thread.    That same quote also referenced the Repub audience, last week, applauding over 200 executions under Perry during that debate.   Here's a repost:   "Teabaggers cheer the execution of hundreds of people, they cheer the prospect of a young hard-working man dying for lack of healthcare, they threaten violence against “enemy” politicians…they are a pack of wild dogs, and represent the greatest threat this country has seen since the Civil War. And these cowards in the Republican Party are terrified of confronting them. They know the pack would turn on them and tear their throat out in a heartbeat."   ~ Commenter @FrumForum</span>
