Comments on: TEA PARTY vs. JAMES HOFFA News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:09:28 +0000 <span>To say the least, the Repubs (and that's who the bulk of the Tea-party are…extreme right-wing Repubs PRETENDING to be independent) have actively engaged in relentless political AND personal assaults on the President in EVERY way imaginable AND unimaginable in modern American history. The very notion that NOW those same Hateful people are taking offense at inflammatory rhetoric being directed at them from "the left"..!?! </span><span></span><span>Yeah. Right. They're a joke…lol.   Nonetheless: Personally, I do NOT condone Hoffa's remarks. Stooping to the level of right-wing extremists is NOT the answer for Democrats. But neither is kissing the rear-end of right-wingers who insist the President should denounce Hoffa's remarks.     Clearly, Hoffa did the President no favors with his comments and under normal circumstances (the President being the Class-act that he is) Pres. Obama probably would like to denounce some of Hoffa's heated language.   However, since becoming President, Obama has allowed himelf to be painted as a "weakling" and his "base" feeling demoralized by that perception is chomping at the bit for some "Man-Up" red-meat of their own, which I think now leaves the President in a rather precarious position.    He may want to denounce Hoffa's comments. But politically can he afford to do it?    I don't think so.  </span>
