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Ted Cruz Just Keeps Talking and Talking and…

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Sen. Ted Cruz Shuts Down Senate Over Obamacare 

Tea Party poster boy and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas HATES the affordable care act, or “Obamacare.”  He hates it so much, he has gone against the advice of most of the Republican leadership and staged a “Talk-In” (a poor man’s equivalent of a sit-in, only involving incessant talking), in the fool-hearty and last ditch belief that he can somehow defeat the law in its 11th hour.  Oh, Ted Cruz…!

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Cruz took to the floor of the Senate yesterday afternoon around 2pm and talked through the night.  In fact, he hasn’t stopped talking. “I intend to speak in support of defunding Obamacare until I am no longer able to stand,” Cruz said. “All across this country, Americans are suffering because of Obamacare. Obamacare isn’t working.”

Cruz was later joined by Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, tea party favorite Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, before breaking out selections from the Dr. Seuss children’s classic “Green Eggs and Ham.” It was the most fascinating and yet incredibly ignorant display of political theater in town.

current events top news today fox news politicsThe Cruz talk-fest is not a filibuster. It’s just the antics of a lone and loony man, acting as a veritable dose of saltpeter, convincing himself that despite dozens of previously failed attempts to stop Obamacare, he should continue to try a dozen more.  Well, wake up and smell the coffee.

Obamacare is a done deal.  It was approved by both houses of congress, signed into law by the president, already funded by the government and even sanctioned by the U.S. Supreme Court.  With just about 3 months to go before it is implemented, why is Sen. Cruz and a gaggle of his Republican henchmen acting like jackasses?

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Interestingly, a growing number of Republicans believe Cruz’s strategy is political suicide and that there is no way to stop Obamacare, as long as Democrats control the Senate and Mr. Obama runs the White House. They believe that any attempts to shutdown the government or prevent a hike in the debt ceiling next month will not only harm the economy, but will turn public sentiment against the GOP and further kill all chances for the party to revive itself in the coming elections.

But that hasn’t stopped Ted Cruz.  Just like the Energizer Bunny keeps going and going, Cruz just keeps talking and talking and talking and…

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Follow the saga of Sen. Ted Cruz and his attempt to stop Obamacare.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I can't believe I'm going to say this…but I agree with the REST of the Republicans trying to shut Ted Cruz up. It's definitely not the way to win.

  2. "It was the most fascinating and yet incredibly ignorant display of political theater in town."

    HAH. Well you summed that up beautifully DJ…!!!

    Frankly, the GOP in all its reprehensible, ignorant and cynical glory is responsible for the ascendance of this megalomaniacal opportunist (and others of his ilk) within the GOP and onto the national stage. He's indeed a Perfect representation of the GOP.

    But maybe….just MAYBE…this stunt will finally destroy what's left of that rotten corpse of a party.

    Cruz wants Power. End of story. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows the Repub *base* will fall for anything…especially when it comes to fighting against the Black Man in the White House.

    "Cruz knows that people not only tolerate demoguery, they often forget or reward it. He’s one more cipher issuing the bonus of vexing all the right people. He reminds me of Commodus." TAC Reader

  3. I can't believe how much of a clown this guy is. Even his own party's embarrassed by him. Keep it up Cruz. Like Truth said maybe he can finish off the Repubs for good.

  4. Ted Cruz better be able to give everything to his constituents, because if he says he can't do it… we always have a point of reference for his endurance… under political pressure. Stupid republicans!!

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