Secret Vaccine Shots In Conservative Circles?
The COVID vaccine is publicly available at walk-in clinics, drug stores, and even some churches and barbershops. However, residents in certain conservative communities are opting for a ‘secret vaccine.’
Current Events
In 2020 during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump and his MAGA fanatics turned the COVID health crisis into a divisive political issue. So, when medical experts recommended that we all wear masks, ReTrumplicans chose to do the opposite (for political reasons) and refused. When medical experts recommended that we all get the COVID vaccine, ReTrumplicans chose to do the opposite (again, for political reasons) and refused.
The Trump-led anti-mask/anti-vax protest left hundreds of communities in states like Florida, Louisiana, and Texas unmasked, unvaccinated, and straining hospitals to the limit for unnecessarily refusing to protect their health just to prove they were “Team Trump.”
Now, with the COVID virus making a resurgence and the Delta variant wreaking havoc from coast to coast, fearful ReTrumplicans — who have been watching their neighbors and family members die from the virus — are begging their doctors to come to their rescue. They want a secret vaccine.
Yes, doctors are saying that they have people pleading for discretion when they receive the vaccine because they’re deeply worried about what their friends and families might think. In fact, some residents in Missouri have stooped to dressing up in disguises just to prevent their ReTrumplican friends from knowing that they went against political protocol and got a secret vaccine.
According to Dr. Priscilla A. Frase, a hospitalist and the chief medical information officer at Ozarks Healthcare in West Plains, Missouri., several people this month pleaded with her for anonymity when they came in to be vaccinated. Some actually appeared to have gone to great lengths to disguise themselves just so no one would know.
“I work closely with our pharmacists who are leading our vaccine efforts through our organization,” Dr. Frase said, “and one of them told me the other day that they had several people come in to get vaccinated who have tried to sort of disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say, ‘Please, please please, don’t let anyone know that I got this vaccine.’”
Dr. Frase was surprised that some people were “very concerned about how their people that they love, within their family and within their friendship circles and their work circles, are going to react if they found out that they got the vaccine.”
She added: “Nobody should have to feel that kind of pressure to get something that they want, you know. We should all be able to be free to do what we want to do, and that includes people who don’t want to get the vaccine as well as people who do want to get the vaccine. But we’ve got to stop ridiculing people that do or don’t want to get the vaccine.”
The New York Times has determined that only 41% of Missouri residents have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, compared to more than 49% nationwide. In Howell County where Ozarks Healthcare and Dr. Frase are based, only 20% of residents are fully vaccinated.

This widespread refusal to get the vaccine has left Missouri with a 7-day average (from last week) of nearly 2,500 new COVID cases — an increase of 39% over the previous 2 weeks. Additionally, hospitalizations were up 38% over the same period.
Fortunately, some within the Fox News/Donald Trump/MAGA/QAnon world are beginning to see the light and have recognized it’s time they chose staying alive over conservative politics. It’s just too bad peer pressure has made them feel they need to get a secret vaccine just to save face.
Yes, doctors are saying that they have people pleading for discretion when they receive the vaccine because they’re deeply worried about what their friends and families might think. In fact, some residents in Missouri have stooped to dressing up in disguises just to prevent their ReTrumplican friends from knowing that they went against political protocol and got a secret vaccine. […] – DJ
Now just let that sink in for a minute….because that truly IS some next-level “ReTrumplican” madness right there.
This is the craziest thing I ever heard in my life. Smh
(off topic for just a minute)….
My partner finally did it…got vaccinated this morning. And she convinced her youngest son (a young adult) to get his too. They’ll both get their 2nd shot in early Sept.
Her oldest son (also a young adult) is a little bit harder nut to crack. Like my nephew (also a young adult).