Comments on: TED NUGENT’S OBAMA THREAT News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 18 Apr 2012 12:16:50 +0000 I doubt that any Repub will speak out against Nugent because the truth is Nugent is simply saying OUT LOUD what many, if not most, Repubs are saying among themselves. Certainly, the Repub *base* is aligned with Nugent, a right-wing, paranoid-delusional NUTJOB, filled with Hate and spewing bile on the regular. And so too are Repub politicians such as the Black congressman from Florida, Allen West.SEE: "Where's the outrage over Republican's 'communist' claim?"CNN:"I have here in my hand a list of 205 communists …"The ghost of Joe McCarthy's ulcerous accusations hung over a disturbingly casual comment this past week by U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Florida.When asked by a constituent at a town hall, "What percentage of the American legislature do you think are card-carrying Marxists?""That's a fair question," West replied. "I believe there's about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party."  Keep in mind that this is the man Sarah Palin recently recommended be Mitt Romney's vice presidential nominee.   […]Read:…Men like Nugent and West are dangerous because they're willing to SAY anything with NO regard for the potential threats they could provoke OR damage they could cause.
