Has ‘Gay For Play’ become a thing in 2021?
‘Gay For Play’ is when actors, recording artists, or entertainers either play up their existing sexuality or “pretend” to be lesbian or gay for the sake of fame. Interestingly, homosexuality appears to have become an easy path to fame and fortune, which has launched an argument regarding good vs. bad and right vs. wrong.
Rapper/singer Lil’ Nas X is one of the most recent artists who’s been accused of being Gay For Play. Although Lil’ Nas X had a mega-hit with the song “Old Town Road,” music experts predicted that his 15 minutes of fame were up once the public tired of his hit song. However, the entertainer with the popular Country & Western-style beat reinvented himself as gay and slightly effeminate, which instantly boosted his fledgling career and surprisingly turned it into a pot of gold.
Yes, Lil’ Nas X went Gay For Play — and all-of-a-sudden presented himself wearing lipstick, lip gloss, tight-fitting underwear, and even parading around with a dancer/boyfriend whom he kissed deeply during a live appearance on the “2021 BET AWARDS.” However, once the artist realized he had permanently cemented himself into pop culture, he immediately sought to remove himself from his LGBTQ identity and the Gay For Play mentality.
Not long after his BET performance, Lil’ Nas X — whose real name is Montero Lamont Hill — announced to the world that he had broken up with his “boyfriend” and had already tired of his homosexual persona.
“This gay sh*t was fun at first. I miss pus*y now” the artist tweeted to the surprise of his fans and followers.
this gay shit was fun at first. i miss pussy now. 🙁
— MONTERO 🦋 (@LilNasX) October 2, 2021
Or, in other words, he was using being gay as a means to advance his career.
MediaTakeOut ran an article entitled “EXPLOSIVE: Rapper Lil Nas X Is ‘NO LONGER’ Gay!!”
After coming out during the summer of 2019, Lil Nas X had (seemingly) become the most famous openly gay rapper in history. Now, the site noted, that legacy has apparently been abandoned, since the rapper “may no longer wish to identify as ‘gay.’” In fact, the site insisted that X and his team are actively working to change his entire image into that of a “straight man.”
“There have long been rumors around music circles” that Lil Nas X is actually bisexual and prefers women, but that he “played up his ‘gay’ image for clout and fame,” the side added.

Broadway and TV actor Billy Porter is another artist who appears to have successfully used Gay For Play to his own advantage.
Although Porter has been around in the Broadway and recording artist world and openly gay for decades, it wasn’t until he began appearing at the Met Gala and other publicity functions in effeminate and “over-the-top” dresses and gowns (blending masculinity with femininity) that he was taken seriously as an entertainer.
The fact that Gay For Play even exists is a powerful testament to the whims of society.
If Lil’ Nas X had simply maintained his “Old Town Road” persona instead of latching on to being a gay icon, his career may have likely have been over by now. However, the rapper/singer with the mediocre voice and limited talent opted to go the gay route and turned his career into ratings gold.
If Billy Porter had never appeared at red carpet events wearing ball gowns other cross-gender attire, his entertainment career may have never moved forward.
Why is it that a singer/rapper with limited talent can get nowhere — but announce he’s “gay” and miraculously get catapulted to the top of the success ladder on the mere strength of his sexuality? Has society become so shallow that anyone who’s gay and dresses or acts opposite to their gender can get instantly rewarded with success regardless of talent or skill? Is this why drag shows with men dressed as women have become so popular — particularly since they are not actually singing live and their only “talent” is being effeminate?
Is it fair for entertainers to fool the public and use being gay for play as their personal highway to success?
I have someone gay in my family I want to share this with. I’m interested on what they have to say about it.
As someone who is actually “gay” I have to contain the mixed emotions (sorrow and anger) that I have about this issue because it truly IS reprehensible.
But I sincerely Thank You DJ for doing this story because it needs to be told.
I cannot tell you how much I wish mainstream cable news media (CNN and MSNBC) would do an exposé on this subject so that the Truth would be revealed to a much wider audience.
In his subtitle DJ asked:
“Is pretending to be gay the new secret to entertainment success?”
Yes. And as reprehensible as it is, sadly I don’t find it surprising. There’s always been, and will always be a certain kind of people who are willing to sell their souls – and “anything else” – for $$$. The biggest difference today is that we now live in a time in America when homosexuality is more widely accepted then ever before in our nation’s history.
AND, as a society, many, if not most Americans are entertained by the most grotesque, violent, vulgar and over-the-top extremists forms of entertainment then ever before.
But here’s what really angers me about this story, in particular.
Did you notice – the key players being most rewarded for playing this sick game are BLACK Men who present themselves as anything but Strong Black men. Be they actually gay or bisexual.
It’s the over-the-top EFFEMINATE Black Coons who are given the most attention and being paid the big bucks. “Flamers” if you will. So now ask yourself these questions:
Who benefits most from promoting this EVIL sh*t to Our Black children, especially young Black boys?
Whose agenda is fulfilled when the Strong Black Heterosexual man is no more?
I never thought about this subject before but this is a really good topic to discuss. You are correct a lot of people seem to be cashing in on being gay or at least saying they are. Like Trutj said that is despicable. There was a time when saying you were gay would ruin a career. Now they trying to make money off it. Something is wrong about that.
THEY tried to kill the Strong Black Man thru Slavery. Then they tried to kill him thru the Civil War. Then they tried to kill him thru Jim Crow. Then they flooded Black communities with heroin and crack cocaine. They even tried using music “gangsta rap” to be exact.
ALL of those evils have done tremendous damage to Black America and to Strong, Black men in particular have . But We’re STILL here!
So now THEY they’re using the image of gay, Black, Effeminate men to plant the seed in the minds of Our young Black males, THIS is how you “make it” in America. THIS is how you get rich.