Nikki Haley And That Republican Racist Rant
Republican Nikki Haley may wish to pretend that racism is a figment of our imaginations, but at least one member of her own party is willing to remind her it’s very much alive and well.
Racism :
Last week during her announcement that she is officially a candidate for President of the United States, former South Carolina governor and former UN Ambassador under Donald Trump made a bold statement: “Racism is over. Just look at me for proof.”
Needless to say, her words didn’t age well.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter made Nikki Haley eat those words by reminding the Indian-American Republican candidate that not only is racism alive and thriving, but that she would personally prove it.
During an appearance on “The Mark Simone Show” podcast, Coulter lit into Haley with a racist rant that even the KKK may have suggested went a bit too far.
“Why don’t you go back to your own country?” Coulter barked at Nikki Haley, who was born in the US.
The conservative Coulter was just getting warmed up and her fireworks display took off from there.

“Her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history,” Coulter said of Haley’s act while Governor of South Carolina to remove the Confederate flag and statues within her state. “What’s with the worshipping of the cows? They’re all starving over there. Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?”
Coulter concluded her xenophobic rant by calling Haley a “bimbo” and a “preposterous creature.” However, she had an encore.
“This is my country, lady. I’m not an American Indian, and I don’t like them taking down all the monuments.”
All this week, embarrassed Republicans (who have been gearing up to convince minority voters that there’s a place for them within the GOP) have gone on the defensive regarding Coulter’s remarks. Other Americans have outright admonished her words.
“I don’t support Nikki Haley, but this is disgusting behavior by Coulter,” MSNBC’s Katie S. Phang tweeted.

“Here we go. The ‘I don’t see color’ party aka @gop‘s ignorant dog whistler @AnnCoulter tells @NikkiHaley to ‘go back to her country,’ insults India & Hindus. Mocking cows while US pardons turkeys. Still wanna be conservative, Desis? This is how they see us,” writer and producer Natash Chandel added.
Here we go. The “I don’t see color” party aka @gop’s ignorant dog whistler @AnnCoulter tells @NikkiHaley to “go back to her country,” insults India & Hindus. Mocking cows while US pardons turkeys. Still wanna be conservative, Desis? This is how they see us https://t.co/evFjzUh9z9
— Natasha Chandel (@Natasha_Chandel) February 17, 2023
Is the Republican Party about to stage their “every fourth-year” show that their party is anti-racist and a welcoming base for all voters regardless of their ethnicity? More importantly, are American voters about to fall for the “every fourth-year” shenanigans as they’ve inexplicably done every single time in the past?
You better believe it!
OK WASSUP! discusses Racism:
Ann Coulter vs. Nikki Haley.
The Meghalayan:
A prominent Pakistani-origin writer and public speaker has racially targeted Indian-American Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley of using her “brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points”.
“I see her and I feel sad because she uses her brown skin as a weapon against poor black folks and poor brown folks, and she uses her brown skin to launder white supremacist talking points,” Wajahat Ali, who was a guest speaker on MSNBC’s ‘The Mehdi Hasan Show” said.
Haley, 51, the former South Carolina Governor, announced her presidential bid on February 14 in a video message where she proudly talked about her Indian heritage.
Born to immigrant parents from India, she said that as a brown girl, growing up in a black-and-white world, she saw the promise of America unfold before her.
Ali, who writes for the Daily Beast and The New York Times, said that Haley’s parents benefited from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, news agencies reported.
“Her father came here because he was a professor, he taught at a historically black college in South Carolina. That’s how she became the proud American that she is,” Ali, who has authored ‘Go Back To Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American’, argued.
He further said that Haley is the “perfect Manchurian candidate” for white supremacists and bigots.
Ali also reacted to racially charged comments by conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter, who called Haley a ‘bimbo’ and ‘preposterous creature’, and asked her to “go back to her own country”.
“The reason I feel sad is because no matter what she does, it will never be enough. They will never love her. And if you don’t believe me, what did Ann Coulter tell proud American Nikki Haley two days ago? ‘Go back to your country’. Nikki, they’ll never love you. It ain’t worth it,” Ali was cited as saying by news agencies.
Wil, thank you so much for sharing this! Wish I had seen that segment.
Wajahat Ali is right on all points, especially Haley being the “perfect Manchurian candidate” for white supremacists and bigots.
And as much as it pains me to agree with Ann Coulter when it comes to darn near Anything, Coulter is absolutely dead on point with describing Haley as a ‘preposterous creature.’
Of course the irony is that one can easily use that very same term, a ‘preposterous creature,’ to describe Ann Coulter. And that’s exactly how I view her.
I never heard of the Megalayan before but this is spot on. They got the whole thing right. Thanks Wil for sharing this.
Thanks for posting about this DJ!
I had heard about the absurd remarks Haley made regarding ‘no more racism’ in America while holding herself up as “proof” of that ridiculous and offensive notion. (Lord give me strength!) But I had not heard about Ann Coulter’s latest attack against Haley.
Though this isn’t the first time Coulter has attacked Haley (and I highly doubt it’ll be the last) Haley really went out of her way this time to make herself an an easy target from the ‘far Right’ and even Left quite frankly.
Ann Coulter: Deport Nikki Haley
“Trump should deport Nikki Haley,” Coulter tweeted about GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump as the governor talked about vetting immigrants.
Coulter continued, lambasting Haley for her stance on allowing immigrants into the country. – The Hill, Jan. 12, 2016
I love watching Repubs tear their own selves down. Keep going all the way to 2024.
It is a delight isn’t it BD…lol
Now if only the Dems would finally LEARN how to really Fight for the American people! Use golden opportunities like THIS to their advantage, beginning with a Unified message and policies to match that message in order to pursued the majority of American voters the Democrat party truly gives a d*mn!
Because WE (all of America) and the entire World benefits from the implosion of that fascist, white nationalist, ignorant azz party, aka the Republican party.
Coulter will continue her attacks on Haley, Trump and other right-wingers she views as enemies, traitors, pretenders to the American-Fascist, white nationalist, cause.
After writing her book in 2016 proclaiming “In Trump We Trust” she turned on him with a quickness when he failed to “Build that Wall” to keep immigrants out of America. Since then she publicly lambasts Trump every chance she gets. And just last Friday she claimed she didn’t know that he’s “profoundly stupid” until AFTER she wrote her book!?!
Uh-huh…Spare me!
But she’s especially angry right now with her right-wing cohorts on Faux News and right-wing talk radio.
Paraphrasing Coulter: They sit at my dinner table and admit they feel the same way as I do about Trump. And they know Trump lied about the election being stolen. But then they say they have to lie to their audience to keep ratings up – which leaves me out there to speak up all by myself!