Comments on: Temper-Tantrum Trump: ‘I’ll Go It Alone’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Fri, 17 Jun 2016 08:48:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 18:36:35 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

BD it's just June…Lol. Just. June! .

By: Mr. BD Thu, 16 Jun 2016 17:01:31 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

LOL Truth all this is happening and Trump hasn't even got the official nomination yet. I can't wait to see their convention. It should be better than watching the Real Housewives lol.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 16:13:05 +0000 WashPost Reader:
I predict that as time goes on, Trump will show himself to be utterly resistant to the best efforts of the GOP leadership to control him. The only reason why the GOP establishment even deludes itself that Trump can be controlled is that they don't fully understand the characteristics of a sociopath and a narcissist.

Ryan and McConnell will at some point, cut bait, and start working with Mitt Romney to contest Trump's nomination, which they can certainly do under their own convention rules. Why do I believe this? Because I have known for a very long time that the GOP never believed in the idea of majority rule. That is a very middle class ethic, which has no meaning among the Republican elite. […]

WashPost Reader:
More irrefutable evidence that {Republican} "conservatism" has been brain dead, but kept alive in a persistent vegetative state for decades at the insistence of the Bush family despite the objections of its next of kin.

It's among my fondest hopes that, after the disintegration of the GOP, a new, viable party emerges to the *left* of the Democrats, who have trailed along in the GOP's rightward wake for decades until they've become the party of fiscal responsibility and corporate friendship; a natural home for the handful of rational, informed Republicans. The rest (Trumpelos, Teahadis, etc.) can slink back to the swamps and hollers from whence they sprang in 1979 when Reagan whistled. […]

WashPost Reader:
Trump has figured out two things: that a great number of Americans are stupid and uninformed, and that stupid and uninformed people will believe anything. […]

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 14:33:33 +0000 ….and this morning on CNN………..

Trump campaign Co-Chair: GOP must get behind Trump or 'shut the hell up'

Donald Trump's campaign co-chairman says Republicans should either unite behind their party's presumptive nominee or shut up.

"The leadership of the Republican Party needs to figure out what they want," Sam Clovis said Thursday morning on CNN.

"Either they want to get behind the presumptive nominee who will be the nominee of this party and make sure that we do everything we can to win in November, or we're just asking them, if they can't do that, then just shut the hell up." […] Rebecca Savransky, writer at The Hill

The Hill Reader:
Trump's aides are as ignorant and pathetic as Trump himself, blaming others for the failure of themselves.. The GOP leadership doesn't want an openly bigoted, racist as a candidate only the GOP base does but the GOP has pandered to this trash since the early 70's they own him and his bigoted base….[…]

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 16 Jun 2016 14:14:51 +0000 …..on a related note……

"Trump Is Who We Thought He Was"

Back in the halcyon days when the GOP still had a reasonable chance to nominate someone not named Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, the execrable Peter King said out loud what many Republicans were privately thinking about the choice between Trump and Cruz:

"Ted Cruz to me is a phony. I don't trust him. To me, Cruz is hopeless. He's irredeemable. But Donald Trump, to be an effective candidate in the general election, has to show substance. He has to show that he's gone just beyond, you know, the name-calling and the sound bites and, again, he's not my first choice for candidate but he's got to show that he knows what he's talking about.”

At the time, many people – including all of us here at RedState – noted that King, McConnell, and the rest of the GOP caucus were just wish-casting the ability to sound like a reasonable person in the general on to Donald Trump, and that there was NO evidence at all that Trump had the capacity to be anything other than the loudmouthed ignoramus he was playing on the campaign trail. Even people who knew Trump behind the scenes whispered that what you saw with Trump was what you got – he knew little, said much, and you either got on board or got run over. […] RedState
