
Temperament Not Changing For Trump

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Trump refuses to change temperament.
Trump refuses to change temperament.

Politics –
Temperament Not Changing
For Trump

If you’re among the many delusional Republicans who believe Donald Trump will eventually make some magical pivot and change his temperament, guess again. With Trump, what you see is what you get!

Temperament TRUMPDonald Trump ain’t changing. Not for the Republican Party. Not for his sinking poll numbers. Not for anyone. In fact, for those who may be unclear on this point, Trump himself has now made it crystal clear.

“I’ve always had a good temperament and it’s gotten me here. We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one person left and we’re actually doing pretty well there. But we’ll see how it all comes out,” Trump said on Fox News last week. “I certainly don’t think it’s appropriate to start changing all of a sudden when you’ve been winning. I mean I’ve beat many people and now we’re down to one. And we’ll see how it all works out. But I think it’s going to work out well.”

The temperament of the naive neophyte Trump has been out of control for some time. After calling a federal judge unqualified because he is Mexican, picking a fight with the Muslim parents of a fallen American soldier, and calling America’s first African-American president “the founder of Isis” (among other gems), Trump believes that politics is all about going with his gut — or in other words, when his gut tells him to say or do something, he pulls the trigger without blinking (or thinking).

“No one puts words in his mouth, and nobody decides what he says other than him,”  longtime adviser Roger Stone said. “Politics is nine-tenths discipline.”

However, for party officials, the Trump campaign has become like the safety sign inside factories: X days without an accident, with the tally regularly resetting to zero.

“I think what he wants to do and what he does do are two different things,” a senior GOP official said.

“He’s almost like someone with an addiction who can’t stop,” Sara Fagen, the political director for former President George W. Bush said. “Until he gets help and admits it, he won’t be able to change.”

Donald Trump seems to be the last to know that serving as Commander-In-Chief and leader of the free world has no room for a “shoot-from-the-hip” mentality. He also seems unwilling to accept that perception is everything and that the world and its leaders are taking his words at face value.  So, there’s no room for jokes or sarcasm or confusion when it comes to being presidential.


Temperament ACCIDENT


Still, Trump refuses to change no matter how many times party officials or his family pleads for him to clean up his act. Apparently, the GOP nominee is still reeling from being forced into the decision of selecting Mike Pence as his running mate, instead of his soulmate, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. He has also grown tired of using a teleprompter and having to follow rules.  So, it’s back to gut instincts and rapid-fire Twitter attacks for “The Donald.”

On Thursday, a defiant and stubborn Trump made clear that he has no intentions of backing off his brash claims, even if it causes him to lose.  He wants the world to know that he’d be fine losing because he’s got lots of money and he’s the one telling the truth.  So there!

“Whatever happens, happens,” he said. “I’m giving it straight. I don’t know that it will work because I’m a nonpolitical person and I’m proud of that. But I’m giving it straight.”

When asked what might happen if he didn’t win, Trump said “I don’t think you’re ever going to see me again, folks. I think I’ll go to Turnberry and play golf or something.”

Hmmm…well you might want to start getting those golf clubs ready, Donald!




OK WASSUP! discusses politics. Today’s article:
Donald Trump refuses to change his temperament.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Ny Times:
Advisers who once hoped a Pygmalion-like transformation would refashion a crudely effective political showman into a plausible American president now increasingly concede that Mr. Trump may be beyond coaching. He has ignored their pleas and counsel as his poll numbers have dropped, boasting to friends about the size of his crowds and maintaining that he can read surveys better than the professionals.


Ny Times:
Trump won for a reason. His attacking style worked with the G.O.P. primary electorate. But this gets us back to: Can Trump change for the general election? If he can’t, it makes his road extremely difficult. The Wall Street Journal editorialized: “If they can’t get Mr. Trump to change his act by Labor Day, the G.O.P. will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the Senate and House and other down-ballot races.”

Can he stay calm during the debates? Can he stay calm as other Republicans defect and criticize him?


If you’re among the many delusional Republicans who believe Donald Trump will eventually make some magical pivot and change his temperament, guess again. With Trump, what you see is what you get! […] Your opening says it all DJ. The man is 70 years old for crying out loud. Of course he's NOT going to change. And let's be for real. Even under the best of circumstances (if Trump wasn't a flaming headcase or intellectually *challenged* or totally smitten with himself) for anyone to believe that a 70 y/o person can be made to change himself into someone that he's NOT is beyond delusional. It's also just plain dumb. Moreover, most of Trump's supporters seem just as crazy and uninformed – if not crazier and more uninformed- than he is. But those are the voters the Repubs have spent decades appealing to. So good luck with that. . Politico: The… Read more »

Mr. BD

Like that song says Don't go changing trying to please me. I want you just the way you are. Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. LOl


Okay now see you're just cuttin up…Lol.


I also want to add – No way Trump wants to debate Hillary. He knows it. His campaign (such as it is) knows it. And Repubs (who aren't his supporters ) certainly know it too.

If he can't find a way outta of the debates he'll have no choice but to face her. And THAT will be something to behold!


NBC Boss: Trump Is ‘Toxic,’ ‘Demented’

Chairman of NBC Entertainment Bob Greenblatt is reported to have ripped GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in a Facebook post, calling the former NBC reality-TV star “toxic” and “demented.” Greenblatt’s division, which produced Trump’s The Apprentice before he joined the company in 2011, cut ties with the real-estate mogul last year.

“The sad state of affairs thanks to a pompous businessman turned reality-TV star (whose show consistently ran LAST in its time period, by the way) who thinks speaking his mind is refreshing,” Greenblatt wrote. “It’s actually corrosive and toxic because his ‘mind’ is so demented; and his effect will unfortunately linger long after he’s been told to get off the stage.” A rep for NBC only commented to Page Six that, “Bob’s Facebook page is not public.” – Page Six

H/T: The Daily Beast

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