Texas Church Shooting And White Male Entitlement
Texas church shooting…
Texas has the absolute worst gun laws in all of America. So, why is anyone surprised that a man was able to walk into a rural Texas church, open fire, and shoot and kill 26 people — including children — while wounding 10 more? Also, why is anyone surprised that the shooter was, yet again, another crazed white man??
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No one yet knows what specifically caused 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley to walk into the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs near San Antonio, Texas on Sunday morning and kill 26 worshippers. However, we do know how easy it was for someone like him to get a gun.

Earlier this year, Texas lawmakers approved a bill reducing the application fees from $140 to $40 for handgun licenses. This follows a 2015 law which allows the open carry of guns in most public places and the open carry of guns on all Texas college campuses. According to The Dallas Morning News, these are the laxest gun laws in the nation.
Will anyone ever admit that had it not been for the easy availability of guns in the State of Texas and the now-common practice of seeing people freely walking the streets while carrying a firearm, these 26 people might still be alive?
Further, let’s address the huge white elephant in the room (pun intended).
Just like Stephen Paddock (Las Vegas), James Holmes (Aurora, CO), Dylann Roof (Charleston, SC), Adam Lanza (Newtown, CT), Jared Lee Loughner (Tucson, AZ), Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City), Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (Columbine), and countless others, all of these mass murderers have 1 thing in common: they are all white males.

According to Newsweek, statistics show that since 1982, 54% of mass shootings were committed by white men. Additionally, research suggests that white men commit mass shootings out of a sense of entitlement.
“There’s a feeling of entitlement that white men have that black men don’t,” criminologist James Alan Fox told The Washington Post in 2012. “They often complain that their job was taken by blacks or Mexicans or Jews. They feel that a well-paid job is their birthright. It’s a blow to their psyche when they lose that. . . . If you’re a member of a group that hasn’t historically experienced unemployment, there’s a far greater stigma to [losing a job] than those who have,” he added.
“These shooters are almost exclusively coming from a single socio-economic class and racial group,” wrote actor Cole Sprouse in a widely shared Twitter thread. We must now address “what part of whiteness influences this kind of Petri dish for gun violence and killing.”
He has a valid point.
When a black person shoots someone, they are called a “thug.” When a Muslim person kills, they are immediately labeled a “terrorist.” However, when a white male shoots up a place, he is considered a “lone wolf” who was probably just down on his luck and disgruntled. HUH???
Just consider President Donald Trump. This morning, Trump tweeted, “My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!” That’s fine, but Trump doesn’t even seem angry. It’s peculiar that he didn’t call the shooter a “son of a bitch,” like he did the NFL players who took a knee during the national anthem. He didn’t create an insulting nickname for Paddock or make an immediate push for a policy proposal. Compare that to how Trump treats incidents where he believes the assailants are Muslims. After a bomb exploded in the London subway, Trump tweeted that the attackers were “loser terrorists” — before British authorities had even named a suspect. He went on to immediately use the attack to push his Muslim ban. – The Intercept
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Has America seriously accepted these crazed gun laws highlighted by the Texas church shooting as the norm? Has America silently accepted the rage of white men via their (frequent) mass shootings and how people like Donald Trump have empowered them to come forward? Will America ever wake up to the fact that white men are mad as hell, are collecting guns like candy, and are filled with rage that has long been boiling over?
Oh, when will the madness ever end!?!
Well done DJ. This issue needs to be brought out into the Open and discussed honestly because that’s exactly what were’ dealing with here. White male domestic terrorism rooted in White-American male entitlement.
The questions you ask in your last paragraph are dead on:
Has America seriously accepted these crazed gun laws highlighted by the Texas church shooting as the norm? Has America silently accepted the rage of white men via their (frequent) mass shootings and how people like Donald Trump have empowered them to come forward? Will America ever wake up to the fact that white men are mad as hell, are collecting guns like candy, and are filled with rage that has long been boiling over? […]
Apparently White America has accepted White male domestic terrorism as part of “the norm” in America because let’s face it – thus far, numerous acts of the indiscriminate slaughtering of so many White lives (men, women and children..LITTLE WHITE CHILDREN) has resulted in most of White America doing absolutely NOTHING about it. They’ve stood around and remained either silent on the matter OR expressed continued support for the NRA’s madness.
The truth is, Unless White America takes the lead in fighting for reasonable gun-control (against the NRA), the slaughtering will keep happening over and over again. A once proud and Civilized nation will continue devolving into the Wild-Wild West. The “Right to bare arms” will Supersede “the Right to live.” Innocent blood will increasingly flow in Our homes, in our streets, Our schools, our theaters, Our Churches,
And the great American country I grew up in will definitely be no more.
“There’s a feeling of entitlement that white men have that black men don’t,” criminologist James Alan Fox told The Washington Post in 2012. “They often complain that their job was taken by blacks or Mexicans or Jews. They feel that a well-paid job is their birthright. It’s a blow to their psyche when they lose that. . . . If you’re a member of a group that hasn’t historically experienced unemployment, there’s a far greater stigma to [losing a job] than those who have,” he added.
This right here said it all for me. You could have just posted that right there and the entire article would have been done. We need to wake up and think about this because these white boys are pissed off.
“Half The People Killed In The Texas Shooting Were Children”
“The victims were as young as 18 months and as old as 77.”
As I expressed my previous response – apparently not even THIS horrifying reality means anything anymore. Not here in America. It breaks my heart and sickens me to my stomach.
I now live in a society where the GUN-rights of hateful and deranged, White male domestic terrorists who commit mass murder at will in America MUST be protected at ALL costs to the lives of INNOCENT law-abiding citizens, Even babies are expendable!?! So says the NRA and their craven political PUPPETS who carry out the will of the NRA.
I am so ashamed and thoroughly aghast at my own country right now.