Duped: How Trump Fooled Millions

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Duped: How Trump Fooled Millions
As a candidate, Donald Trump promised the world. Now that he’s been elected president, eh… not so much. Has Donald Trump duped America?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’ve been had America. Duped, deceived, hoodwinked, and bamboozled. Yes, the orange man with the questionable hair told you exactly what you wanted to hear just to get what he wanted. Now that he has it, he’s running away from those promises faster than a gazelle from a pack of hungry lions.
Let’s take a look at the laundry list of promises from “The Donald” that will never see the light of day:
Trump vowed to tackle terrorism by instituting a controversial and across the board ban on all Muslims entering the country, to which his sea of racist radical supporters jumped for joy. However, Trump now says that ban “may or may not be happening.” In light of something called “The Constitution,” did anyone actually believe Trump could make this happen? DUPED!
One of Trump’s main campaign promises was to build a great wall along the U.S. – Mexico border in order to keep Mexicans out… a wall he vowed Mexico would pay for. However, when Trump realized such a wall would need to be more than 3000 miles long and that he may not actually be able to blackmail Mexico into coughing up the cash as promised, Trump later said that maybe portions of his great wall could be a fence. He has since called the idea of a wall a great “campaign device.” DUPED!
Trump supporters were the most vocal in his promises to repeal President Obama’s signature universal health care law (and to basically erase any and everything Mr. Obama ever did). Trump once called Obamacare “bad, just very, very bad.” However, now that he realizes a full repeal would take years to complete, that he can’t throw tens of millions of Americans off the health care rolls, and that he has no plan even remotely better than what already exists, Trump now says Obamacare “might not be so bad.” He added that he’s now considering holding on to Mr. Obama’s health initiative “as long as he can keep just the popular parts.” DUPED!
If anyone ever watched even a few moments of any Donald Trump rally, they’re likely familiar with the popular chant “Lock her up” aimed at arresting and convicting Hillary Clinton on unclear and unproven charges of illegalities. Prior to the election, Trump claimed Mrs. Clinton should be in jail. However, since the election, Trump had this to say regarding Bill and Hillary Clinton: “I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt them. They’re, they’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them.” In other words, there is no basis on which to “Lock Her Up” and Trump’s entire anti-Hillary message was mere theatrics to rile his supporters up and get himself elected. DUPED!
Additionally, before the election, Trump barked a boatload of tough talk in favor of waterboarding terror suspects. Now, he admits waterboarding might be a bad thing.
Before the election, Trump joined other Republicans in claiming climate change was all a figment of our imaginations. Now, he admits it is likely very real and man-made.
Before the election, Trump promised residents of the rust belt that he would “put our (coal) miners back to work.” Sorry, folks, but “The Donald” was merely telling you what you wanted to hear. Since utility companies stopped relying on coal as an energy source many years ago, your mining jobs are about as likely to make a comeback as the VCR.
In another factless statement, Trump publicly fought with what he dubbed the “mainstream media” and vowed to curtail freedom of the press if he were elected.
“I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money,” he pledged in February. “So when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace . . . we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.”
Since that statement, Trump may have had a magical epiphany that he really does need the media. Or, perhaps someone introduced him to something called The First Amendment, which prevents any law from infringing on freedom of speech or freedom of the press. Nevertheless, Trump has since made a complete 180 degree turn on the issue.
“Actually, somebody said to me on that, they said, ‘You know, it’s a great idea, softening up those laws, but you may get sued a lot more.’ I said, ‘You know, you’re right, I never thought about that.’ I said, ‘You know, I have to start thinking about that.’ So, I, I think you’ll be O.K. I think you’re going to be fine,” Trump told journalist Mark Thompson during a recent meeting with The New York Times.
At least one Republican sees a catastrophic end result in all the promises Trump made but is already breaking.
Former GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz is warning Donald Trump and other Republican leaders they may face a popular revolt if they fail to carry through on some of their biggest campaign promises, including repealing Obamacare.
“If we’re given the White House and both houses of Congress and we don’t deliver, I think there will be pitchforks and torches in the streets,” Cruz said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “And I think quite rightly. I think people are so fed up with Washington, this election was a mandate with change and the most catastrophic thing Republicans could do is go back to business as usual.”
Unfortunately, his words are too little, too late. With the election already behind us, Donald Trump has already proven he has the ability to fool the masses. Too bad America doesn’t yet know just how much it has been played for a fool!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’ve been had America. Duped, deceived, hoodwinked, and bamboozled.
LOL you ain't lied DJ.This man is a piece of work. I can't wait till all his supporters get a rude awakening they got used.
Your an idiot. How can he dupe anybody before he’s sworn in yet? Dumb liberals.
No, YOU'RE the idiot! Not only is he now backtracking on everything he campaigned on but he Is assembling the most inexperienced administration ever. Oh, and the wealthiest. Guess the rich will make out very well under this conartist.
These things make sense to every person but now that he has become the president of this country. There is nothing we can do about it and these are no serious issues to discuss about.