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TGIF: Are You Ready For Flying Cars?
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Are You Ready For Flying Cars?
Are you ready for a flying car? Because if you’re not, you’d better get ready as the flying car could be happening sooner than you think.
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Cartoons like “The Jetsons” and movies like “Back To The Future” made the flying car seem like a fun and exciting expectation for the future. Well, that future could come as early as 2015.
Terrafugia has announced its Transition design — part sedan, part private jet with 2 seats, 4 wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car. The Massachusetts-based firm says the flying car won’t need a runway to take off and should be available in 2 years. Check out the video below for all the details on what our 2015 commute to work could look like.