White Power Hand Sign At Army-Navy Game?
Military officials say they are looking into why a known White Power hand sign was flashed on live TV during the annual Army-Navy football game.
The “OK” hand sign has morphed into a white supremacist symbol in modern times, with the 3 extended fingers of the hand depicting a “W” (for “White”) and the “OK” of the index finger and thumb depicting a “P” (for “Power”). According to the Anti-Defamation League, white supremacists frequently use it mostly because of its ambiguity.
Now, officials want to know why Army and Navy Academy students from West Point flashed the known racist symbol during the ESPN pregame broadcast last Saturday.
“We’re looking into it. I don’t know what their intention is,” Lt. Col. Chris Ophardt, a spokesperson for the prestigious academy at West Point in New York said.
“We are aware and will be looking into it,” Cmdr. Alana Garas, a spokesperson for the US Naval Academy, in Annapolis, Maryland, added.
“I wonder what the cadet next to @CollegeGameDay host @ReceDavis feels about the love from his brother cadet?” a viewer tweeted, referring to the clearly obvious hand symbol directly behind an African-American cadet.
I wonder what the cadet next to @CollegeGameDay host @ReceDavis feels about the love from his brother cadet? @KwikWarren@TeaPainUSA #collegegameday pic.twitter.com/kFFDVBESqA
— Jeff Van Hoeven (@BigKahunaVan) December 14, 2019
Interestingly, this is not the first time the White Power hand sign has created a national issue.

Last year, the Coast Guard was forced to reprimand an officer who flashed the sign during an MSNBC live TV segment. Additionally, White House senior advisor Stephen Miller has been photographed flashing the symbol while on the job inside the West Wing. Donald Trump himself has also (discreetly) formed the hand symbol during televised news conferences.
Now, officials want to know why Army and Navy Academy students from West Point flashed the known racist symbol during the ESPN pregame broadcast last Saturday. […]
Uh-huh. Officials claiming they’re going to “look into” the racist BS going on in the U.S. military can spare me their fake concern. Black Americans (We who are descendants of slaves) know the deal in this country.
The”white power” sign is as American as apple pie. Check the history of Any faction of the U.S, military, darn near any police department in America, sports (professional and collegiate), medical care, THE MEDIA. You name it, white racist BS is deeply embedded in the foundation and everyday function of that institution, industry, profession, SCHOOL.
Right-wing cowards like Stephan Miller (a Trump minion) and the Army and Navy Academy students are a dime a dozen.
Let me also say this……………….
Life must really be a sad experience for racists and supremacists. Feeling afraid of other people simply based on “race” and having to pretend that you (your race) is somehow “superior” to other races just to make yourself FEEL superior has to be a pretty sad existence.
It’s like the poor, and working-calls white people who always vote AGAINST their own interest trying to pretend they’re something that they’re are Not…..well off.
Our African (and then Black) ancestors have always known the truth. Many, if not most, white people are scared and highly insecure. And no matter how many guns the buy to guard against some imaginary “enemy” or boogie-man, as they long for the good old days of Jim Crow and “Blacks knowing their place” ..those kinds of people can Never be satisfied. Never be content. Never be happy.
They’re just a sorry and miserable lot.
Here here!
I cosign Truth. Anybody with a brain already know what that hand signal means. Those boys knew what they were doing and that is why you see them laughing about it. There is nothing to investigate. Look at the tape and you can see who these boys are then punish them. I think they should get expelled from West Point for their actions. There should be a zero tolerance of this type of racist act end of discussion.