Current Events

TGIF: It’s Friday the 13th!

Spread The Love

June 13, 2014

current events e entertainment

Current Events –
TGIF: It’s Friday the 13th!

Do you know where the tradition of saying “Bless You” to someone who sneezes comes from? It comes from an ancient superstition that the soul temporarily leaves the body when someone sneezes violently. So, offering a blessing to someone immediately after sneezing was meant to protect the person from evil and to welcome their soul back to life.

People usually say “Bless You” simply because they’ve been conditioned to believe it’s polite, instead of actually knowing the origins of their words.  However, that seems to be the case with most superstitions.

Are you afraid of black cats?  What about splitting a pole when walking?  Or how about living on the 13th floor?  Well, today is Friday the 13th.  Are you ready for the day??



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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