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TGIF: Obama Health Care Spoof

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TGIF: Obama Health Care Spoof
The Affordable Care Act, AKA “Obamacare” has been the brunt of political jokes for several months. Although the dysfunctional health care website was once a disaster, it is so vastly improved that now, many can look back on its past problems with good humor.
Leave it to actor and Barack Obama impersonator AlphaCat to “Drop It Like It’s Hot” when it comes to health care.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Lol, Okay I found this to be funny. However on a more serious note this national health care is a bust. Who has 6,000 to pay for the premium that is needed to sign up with these companies. I don't know if there is a cheap alternative in another state but in the one I am living, this is not affordable health care. Yes, it allows pre existing conditions but this is not for the working poor and in my opinion, just plain in effective.


I've never hesitated to point out the failings of this President when I feel it warranted.

However, of the qualities I most admire about him, his temperament is right up there at the top. Paraphrasing how he generally approaches life: "I never let the highs get too high or the lows get too low."

The abysmal launching of the website was inexcusable at worst. Not the end of the world, as hyped by the political media and Repubs.

We do need real National healthcare in this country. The ACA falls well short of that goal. But it is a start…an actual start…in the right direction.



Amazing blog post. Dont you just love the health care
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