
TGIF: Pop-Up Menus

Spread The Love

April 24, 2015

e entertainment current events

With spring-like temperatures spreading throughout much of the country and summer just around the corner, couples, families, friends and colleagues are getting out to spend a special night on the town for food and drinks.  Menus loaded with delectable sounding but hard to imagine concoctions are quite the norm, but what if there was a way to fix all that and make a menu jump out at you — literally?

e Entertainment

e entertainment current events

Some bars and restaurants have started to do just that by utilizing menus that are completely devoid of pictures of the drink or entree you’re thinking about ordering.  How?  They’re using a 3D pop-up menu.

One such location is the Art Deco Beaufort Bar at London’s Savoy Hotel, where the menu features lavish illustrations of the bar’s signature drinks that leap from the page with intricately engineered pop-ups.  Let’s face it: libations are certainly more tempting when you’re staring at a recreation of each drink on every page.

Wouldn’t you just love seeing an interactive menu like this on your next outing?


OK WASSUP! covers e Entertainment news of the day,  
including pop-up menus coming to a bar/restaurant near you.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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