TGIF: Susan Rice Grilled On The Hill
Still reeling from a good old-fashioned butt whooping on election night, Republicans have been taking their frustrations out on U.N Ambassador Susan Rice.
Ambassador Rice appears to be President Obama’s unofficial choice to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in his 2nd term. However, Republican ring leaders Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsay Graham have been denouncing Rice at every turn, even calling the former Rhodes Scholar “unqualified.”
The game here is that Republicans would actually prefer Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts get the job — so that he would have to resign his senate seat — so that former Republican Sen. Scott Brown could possibly land back in the senate and give the GOP another conservative voice. Tricky!
Leave it to our good friend Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” to expose the Republican hypocrisy at play, while using their own words against them.