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TGIF: The Truth About Racism

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TGIF: The Truth About Racism

Despite popular belief of those in denial, racism is still alive and well. Yet, how many of us know and understand the TRUTH about racism?

Current Events
It may have taken a caucasian female to break it all down for us, but here now is the reality of racism. Enjoy this video and share it with your friends.



OK WASSUP! covers current events,
Today’s article: The TRUTH about racism.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. What an incredible educational resource! …filled with lots of factual information.

    Thanks so much, DJ, for posting this. I will definitely share it with family and friends.

    Is "racism" to blame for ALL that ails Black America? No. Of course not.

    Black America is suffering from Our share of SELF-inflicted wounds, over the decades. And unless We recognizee that fact and began to seriously address Our own failings, We will continue to be a people in decline.

    But make no mistake about it- in 2015 Institutionalized racism remains the root cause of much of what ails ALL of America (and certainly collective Black America). For anyone to PRETEND otherwise is to be either dim-witted or delusional or just plain disengenuous; the "Truth about Racism" is lost on that person anyway.

    As for the rest of Us (those who can handle the Truth), the answer should be clear……..

    Until the majority of Americans (Black, Brown and White) are willing to take a serious look at Ourselves (our respective community) and NOT be afraid to be Honest with ourselevs…and painfully so…about WHO we are and WHAT we're really about (good, bad and ugly) We will continue to make this harder than it has to be (conquering the RACIST DISEASE that continues to plague Us ALL at every level of American society).

    We're ALL in this together…..whether We like it…or Not.


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