A surprising new report has revealed just how close Donald Trump came to being taken down by the 25th amendment.
Politics :
The 25th Amendment provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation. In the case of the president, the vice president together with a majority of the presidential cabinet can invoke the 25th amendment and have the president removed from power if he/she is deemed physically or mentally incapable of executing the duties of the office.
Interestingly, several members of Donald Trump’s cabinet were thisclose to removing ‘The Donald’ from office following the January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection.
According to CNN, former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos held discussions with several members of the Trump cabinet and concluded that it was in the best interest of the country to immediately remove him from The Oval Office. The only thing that saved him is former vice-president Mike Pence, who didn’t want to invoke the amendment, remove Trump from office, and become president himself for the few weeks left in the Trump term.
“I spoke with the vice president and just let him know I was there to do whatever he wanted and needed me to do or help with, and he made it very clear that he was not going to go in that direction or that path,” DeVos said. “I spoke with colleagues. I wanted to get a better understanding of the law itself and see if it was applicable in this case. There were more than a few people who had those conversations internally.”
When DeVos realized she didn’t have the support of the vice-president and that a few “loyalists” inside The White House were not willing to face the backlash of removing Trump with only days left in his term, she submitted her resignation.
“When I saw what was happening on January 6th and didn’t see the president step in and do what he could have done to turn it back or slow it down or really address the situation, it was just obvious to me that I couldn’t continue,” DeVos said in explaining why she ultimately resigned.
Still, it’s worth wondering what would have happened if Mike Pence had only had the courage to support DeVos and the other cabinet members in invoking the 25th amendment against Donald Trump.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The 25th Amendment almost got Donald Trump.
Wow! Thank you for this info DJ. I did not know this,
So it was Betsy DeVos who was among the first to say, if not the first to say, {paraphrasing} “Enough! Remove that snake from office!”
I have to say that, given how loyal she was (up to that point) to Trump, I am surprised she actually finally tuned on him!?!
Speaks volumes as to just how dangerous Trump is. Some of his most loyal servants were ready and willing to risk everything and use the 25th Amendment to have that snake forcibly removed from office!
Pence was not.
The fact she was the one who did it surprise me too. She was a friend of his for years which is how she got the job in the first place. She was never even qualified for it. To find out she turned on him and got others to turn then resigned once Pence refused to go through with it says a lot.
Still, it’s worth wondering what would have happened if Mike Pence had only had the courage to support DeVos and the other cabinet members in invoking the 25th amendment against Donald Trump. […] -DJ
That would have been something! Historic? Oh yes, without question.
But even more!
Pence probably wish he could go back now that he found out Trump wanted to hang him.