It might be funny if it weren’t so dangerously ignorant. We’re talking about ‘QAnon’ — the new cult-like and conspiracy-theory following behind the blind support for Donald Trump.
The QAnon conspiracy theory centers around an anonymous online figure named “Q,” who supposedly began posting critical information on Internet message boards and sites in late 2017. In a report from The Daily Beast, the mysterious “Q” claims to possess a top-level security clearance as well as top-secret evidence of a worldwide criminal conspiracy.
According to QAnon (an acronym for “Q” and “Anonymous”) followers, “Q” has broadcast the supposedly blockbuster news that the year-long probe being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller isn’t actually investigating Donald Trump and his alleged ties to Russia, or any assumed Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. No! QAnon believes that Mueller was actually appointed by Donald Trump to conduct a secret investigation into former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and even ailing GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
So, exactly what are these Trump foes being “investigated” for, you ask? One of the many accusations among QAnon conspiracy believers is that Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are secret agents of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Another theory is that Obama, Clinton, several world leaders, and an unknown number of Hollywood celebrities are all participants in a global pedophile ring.
The anonymous “Q” claims that all of the above-named figures are secretly wearing location-tracking ankle monitors to track their whereabouts at all times — and that they will all soon be sent to prison for their “transgressions.” Additionally, “Q” insists that the (Fake News) mainstream media is in cahoots to protect Obama and Clinton and that they will never report the truth about “what’s really going on.”
As if all of that wasn’t enough, QAnon conspiracy theorists also believe that the US military is deeply involved in the investigation — and that Donald Trump was handpicked and persuaded by military leaders to run for president in order to clean up the vast criminal network and to save America.
– The Daily Beast
Initially, QAnon followers were a mere fringe group. However, “Q” has gained a host of new believers and followers in just the past few months. For example, a recent QAnon video on YouTube garnered more than 200,000 views. Additionally, “Q” followers have begun showing up in droves and making their presence known at Trump rallies across the country.
we r the army of truth-wwg1wga
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) June 20, 2018
In addition to ordinary Americans, QAnon conspiracy theory believers include fired sitcom star Roseanne Barr, who recently tweeted a common phrase among QAnon supporters (“wwg1wga,” short for “where we go one, we go all”) — as well as former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, who openly boasted of his admiration and respect for “Q” on his Facebook page.
Also we open up a discussion about “Q” and why the anger and vitriol by liberals at the mere mention if it really is the fake conspiracy they claim?
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) June 28, 2018
@MediaMattersZA I think it’s fantastic that your only attack is “baseless” without ever actually pointing to a ‘lie’. It has to suck to know the Q has reported more accurate news in the past 14 days than your rag in its entire existence! https://t.co/T6KT0AEs3a
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) July 16, 2018
The assumption that Donald Trump supporters are a bunch of ignorant, backwoods hillbillies has now been debunked with the emergence of QAnon. Their seemingly instant rise has also given credence to “The Donald’s” braggadocious claim that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue in New York City and shoot someone, and his followers would still support him.
Yes, you read all of that correctly. A large (and growing) contingent of Americans are under the unproven and idiotic delusion that Donald Trump is a God-send whose mission is to eliminate the deep state and right the wrongs of all those who oppose him. Nobody knows who “Q” is. Nobody has ever spoken to or seen “Q.” Yet, these “Jim Jones-like” Trump supporters all believe that the invisible “Q” is real, that “Q” exists, and that “Q” knows what he/she is talking about. As far as “Q” believers are concerned, Trump is the chosen one who can do no wrong and can “save America” (from what is anyone’s guess).
It might be funny if it weren’t so dangerously ignorant.
Since 9/11….
Of all the deeply disturbing Truths to be revealed to the WORLD about America….at the top of my list is just how EASILY so many Americans (especially White Americans) can be so obviously PLAYED by homegrown charlatans AND foreign enemies.
Usama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Ladin…aka Osama bin Laden…knew this because he had spent years studying Us. His goal was to bait us into an endless war (a war he knew WE could NEVER win), get Us to overreact and thereby costs Us an immeasurable amount of blood, treasure and eventually Our global status in the world.
No doubt Vladimir Putin has studied Us and now clearly knows how to play (mostly White) Americans like a fiddle. Putin was behind the conspiracy to infiltrate and influence Our 2016 presidential race. And know this..he AIN’T hardly done playing Us. This “Q” nonsense is further evidence of that.
Btw- on a related note….
Supposedly a group called “Anonymous” recently emerged vowing to fight “Q” by working to identify and reveal Q’s true identity: “We will not sit idly by while you take advantage of the misinformed”
[Anonymous posted on YouTube on Sunday a video called “Operation QAnon” depicting Anonymous’s well-known masks acting out QAnon conspiracy theories with the letter “Q” as a constant backdrop.
“Someone is going to get hurt, so we have to put our foot down and start some s—t with you all,” the group said in the video.] – Washington Times
I could be wrong but I strongly suspect this is just Putin running *game* again.
Hacktivist group Anonymous issued a threat to QAnon conspiracy theorists on YouTube and Twitter, pledging Sunday to take down the pro-Trump movement and its creator Q.
In a 3-minute video, the group threatens to “wreck” QAnon, an online conspiracy theory that has jumped from the internet into real life, including the presence of followers waving “Q” signs at a Trump rally in Tampa Bay, Florida. Anonymous referenced the growing impact of the group in its video, which was punctuated with snippets of children’s shows, saying it’s worried there will be real-world repercussions from QAnon’s activities.
“Someone is going to get hurt,” an electronically altered voice says in the video. “So we have to put our foot down and start some shit with you all.”
The QAnon Twitter account didn’t immediately respond to a direct message seeking comment on Anonymous’ threat.
Anonymous has a history of picking fights with governments and groups whose opinions and actions it disagrees with. The loose collective has targeted ISIS, the Church of Scientology and various corporations and governments in the past. In 2012, the group shut down the CIA’s and UN’s websites in 2012 and worked with WikiLeaks to publish stolen emails from the Stratfor, a global intelligence firm.
The bible talks about how the anti Christ is going to be able to come along and fool a whole lot of people we wouldn’t think could be fooled. I am not saying Trump is the anti Christ or not but I am saying it is unbelievable how many people are easily fooled by him This Q thing comes right out the anti Christ play book. Some invisible somebody made up a story that nobody can prove but still a whole lot of people fall right into the trap and believe it. WE claim to be smart as Americans and a world power. But we really are dumb puppets who can get easily played. At least most of us.