Current Events

The Chosen One Calls Greenland PM ‘Nasty’

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Narcissist-In-Chief Donald Trump believes he is ‘The Chosen One.’  Regrettably, that’s only half the story.

Current Events
On Wednesday while answering questions for reporters regarding the ongoing trade war with China, Trump had a self-promoting epiphany.  More specifically, ‘The Donald’ paused the reporter session, looked to the heavens, then proclaimed, “I am the chosen one.”


Yes, King Trump somehow believes he is the chosen one — and that he and he alone was divinely sent to fix the inequities in the relationship between the United States and China that (in his opinion) no other president could handle.

His inflated opinion of himself should come as a surprise to no one.  After all, this is the man who said this about himself in his book “The Art Of The Deal:”

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”


This all comes only a day after Trump retweeted a follower’s opinion that he is the “King of Israel,” the new “Messiah” and the “second coming of God.”


However, that’s only half the story.

Also on Wednesday, ‘The Chosen One’ was so PO’ed that the Prime Minister of Denmark would dare dismiss his bright idea to sell Greenland to the US, that he called her “nasty.”

Prime Minister Frederiksen

For some reason, Donald Trump wants the US to purchase the Danish territory of Greenland.  The only problem is, it’s not for sale.  However, logic and reality have never stopped Trump.  He wants what he wants — or else he throws a tantrum.

And that is exactly what happened on Wednesday.

Queen Margrethe II extended an invitation for Trump to visit Denmark on September 2nd — an offer he originally accepted.  However, once ‘The Chosen One’ discovered that the topic of buying Greenland would not be up for discussion during his visit, he abruptly canceled the trip.

In a statement, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said she was “sorry” Trump decided not to visit the arctic island since his visit would have been an “opportunity to celebrate Denmark’s close relationship to the US”.  However, she also added that Trump’s self-conceived notion that Greenland was for sale and that it was somehow automatically available for him was “absurd.”

Needless to say, the thin-skinned Trump didn’t take kindly to the public dismissal, so he lashed out.

“I thought that the prime minister’s statement that it was absurd, that it was an absurd idea was nasty,” Trump said. “I thought it was an inappropriate statement. All she had to do is say no, we wouldn’t be interested.”

Interestingly, this is not the first time Trump has referred to a female as “nasty.”  During the 2016 presidential contest, he called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman.”

And so, Greenland is (still) not for sale, Donald Trump has canceled his visit and decided to take his marbles and go home, and the prime minister thinks it’s all “absurd.”

Apparently, it’s not easy being ‘The Chosen One!’


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Donald ‘The Chosen One’ Trump, China, and Greenland.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. “The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can get very excited by those who do.” – Trump via his ghost-writer

    Yep. He (and Root) know darn well what their doing. Each man plays his respective target audience to the hilt, in this case, the Talibangelicals, in particular…smh.

    “That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.” – Trump via his ghost-writer

    Of course the problem with Donnie the “king of Israel” and “chosen one” is that his endless steams of nonsense, garbage and outright LIES, on a daily basis, goes WAAAAY beyond hyperbole. The guy takes *delusions of grandeur* to a whole other level. His “absurd” wonders to behold…smh.

  2. And just a word about Greenland and our ridicules cable news media……..

    Trump spouts some nonsense about possibly buying Greenland (to distract media attention AWAY from troubling signs in the economy) and the American cable news covers it as if it’s a SERIOUS topic??! Really???!

    As if Greenland isn’t already inhabited by …oh I don’t know….PEOPLE!?! And as if the PEOPLE of Denmark and Greenland wouldn’t have something to say about any such ridicules talk anyway!?!

    I am SO embarrassed. Most of the civilized world already views Us (Americans) as just a bunch of arrogant and snobbish idiots. And by jolly CNN and MSNBC just had to feed into that perception.

    You cannot make this stuff up…smh. .

  3. It is sad there are people that think Trump is the Messiah. That just goes to show a lot of religious people can be fooled real easy. But the worst part is if all these people are believing it they are going to act on it. That is why they are protecting him so much.

  4. So today is Fri. Aug. 23rd and let me just say, from what I’ve read over at TAC , this latest crapshow Trump and his sycophants are putting on has really angered some Trump voters who AREN’T a part of the Talibangelical group.

    TAC Reader:
    A lot of us voted for Trump hoping for an America First president. Instead we got a self-described “King of Israel”. Screw that. […]

    TAC Reader:
    You didn’t listen to his speech to the AIPAC convention in 2016, in which he promised to be the best president Israel ever had. […]

    TAC Reader:
    It has become common knowledge that some American politicians and officials cater to Israel for the money and votes, but it’s still shocking to have Trump lay it all out so starkly. Nonetheless, at least now we know how things are, and we can decide where we stand.

    I’ve voted Republican most of my adult life, for Tea Party candidates in 2010, and Trump in 2016, but all I want now is to get this disgusting freak out of the White House. Him and his establishment GOP enablers. […]

  5. TAC Reader:
    This is infuriating. How can anyone stand by this man? How much more damage does he have to do, how many more people does he have to hurt, how many ethnicities must he impugn before anyone with any degree of power in the Republican Party stands up to this maniac?

    American Jews are seeing who their true friends are today, it surely isn’t the Evangelicals. It says more than words can say that Muslims and Atheists are more likely to stand up for our dignity as Americans than the Christians who proclaim themselves our protectors. […]

    TAC Reader:
    Creeps like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have already suggested that Americans of any background who aren’t loyal to Israel aren’t loyal Americans. This attitude is a cancer on the GOP, and driving real Americans out of the party. Patriotic Americans don’t want to be lectured about their obligation to serve Israel by anybody, much less a bunch of first generation immigrants like Rubio and Cruz, or a total sleaze like Trump

    TAC Reader:
    .Coming up? Catholics who come from Southern European sh-thole nations. President ‘I am the Chosen One’ can’t Robespierre himself quickly enough. [..]

  6. And there’s this little goodie….

    GOP fundraises off Greenland flap: ‘Support President Trump and his efforts to help America grow!’

    The National Republican Congressional Committee began running a promotion in which donors contributing $25 or more receive a limited-edition T-shirt depicting the semiautonomous Arctic island, part of the Kingdom of Denmark, as part of the U.S.

    “Support President Trump and his efforts to help America grow!” reads the promotion touting the limited-edition tee. The red shirt features a map of the continental U.S., along with silhouettes of Alaska, Hawaii and Greenland patterned with the American flag. […] – Politico, 8/22/19

  7. Re: GOP fundraises off Greenland flap

    Politico Reader:
    The lemmings will buy as much of the propaganda junk as they can get their hands on, handing over as much of their free cash to the Trump machine as possible. They will then demand to be bailed out by the government while whining about government welfare. […]

    Politico Reader:
    Hail to Emperor Trumpapotomus the Godlike King of Israel. The USA is officially an Idiocracy. […]

  8. On a more serious and related note……..

    “Trump Accelerates the Dangerous Politicization of Israel”

    Trump’s prod to get Israel to exclude two duly elected members of the U.S. Congress from visiting was a two-fer. It cemented the image of Netanyahu as Trump’s obedient puppet, thus heightening negative partisanship, and worse, it encouraged Israel to betray its own democratic principles and traditions. Excluding Rashida Tlaib (however horrible her views and associations) was a blow to Israel’s standing as a brave, free nation and a propaganda victory for Tlaib.

    Israel enjoys broad support in the U.S. for many reasons — historical, religious, strategic — but undergirding all of those is respect for a fellow democracy. If Israel is perceived as anything less, the damage will be far greater than anything the squad could manage. […] Mona Charin, writer at National Review, 8/23/19

  9. I sit and laugh at Netanyahu (he and Donald being practically cut from the same cloth) because just as Netanyahu has reportedly joked (privately) over the years about America being Israel’s puppet, it is Netanyahu who NOW finds himself serving as a useful puppet for Donald J. Trump.

    Trump uses a bullhorn to say OUT LOUD what has been an *OPEN secret* in our nation’s capitol For SIX Decades – since 1946. The United States (via members of BOTH parties) have granted ABSOLUTE and Unquestionable loyalty to Israel. I would posit that most of our foreign policies over the years have been developed with Israel’s interest equal to – if not Greater than – America’s interest.

    Except for the presidency of Pres. Obama America has been Israel’s servant. That is why Netanyahu and his Zionist cohorts and kinspeople hate Obama.

    For readers interested in how much “Aid” we’ve given Israel since 1946 – Congressional Research Service:

    Total U.S. Foreign Aid Obligations to Israel: 1946-2019 and the 2020 Request

    Jewish Virtual Library:

  10. From CNBC:
    Even as trade tensions continued to heat up, President Donald Trump would make sure to refer to China’s president, Xi Jinping, as his “friend.” On Friday, though, Trump unveiled a new label for his Chinese counterpart: “enemy.”

    In one of a series of tweets that rattled markets, the president posed a question to his more than 60 million followers comparing Xi to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.

    “My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?” Trump wrote.

    The tweet came shortly after China announced that it will impose 5%-10% tariffs on $75 billion worth of U.S. goods and reinstate duties on American autos. The tariffs will come in two batches, on Sept. 1 and Dec. 15, which are the same days that Trump’s newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods will go into effect.

    The S&P 500 index of large publicly traded companies was down about 1.8% Friday morning after briefly going positive. Trump also said Friday that he had “hereby ordered” U.S. firms to seek an “alternative ” to China.

    At first blush, Trump’s comment was striking not for its slam on the communist leader, but for the critique of the American central bank chairman whom Trump himself appointed.

    But it also suggests that the president’s personal relationship with Xi, which Trump has touted as the best route to completing a major trade deal uniting the world’s two largest economies, is at a low point.

  11. It’s almost 5 o’clock and the Dow is already way down. I don’t think this trade war with China is going to end well.

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