The Donald Trump Era, Polls, And History
When the Donald Trump era is finally all said and done, future generations will look back on our current opinions, actions, and deeds and likely wonder: what the hell were we thinking!?!
With the evidence as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar that Trump attempted to barter the powers of the presidency in exchange for a political hack job against Joe Biden from Ukraine, an alarmingly sizeable chunk of the country is still buying the Trump snow-job that the impeachment probe is all a lie, that EVERY witness is an anti-Trump liar, and that it’s all some widespread conspiracy to undo the 2016 election in order to kick him out of office.
So, exactly who are these Trump proponents?
White Power racists see Donald Trump as their poster boy who can “cleanse” the presidency of “that black man from Kenya” who tainted The White House for 8 years. Religious zealots see Donald Trump as some savior sent by God to pump the brakes on abortions and to keep marriage between “one man and one woman” (gays be damned!). However, a 3rd and equally powerful group of undereducated and stereotypical “trailer-park” types are just too damned ignorant to pay attention to the REAL news (here’s lookin’ at you, FOX) and remain cognizant of the facts instead of the fake hearsay that fuels their flock of Trump supporters.
Sadly, these groups have created a solid coalition that has Republicans shaking in their boots and much too scared to ever dare to cross King Donald Trump without facing harsh political consequences.
Or, in other words, these groups don’t want to see a threat against the Donald Trump era because they see themselves in him.
They see him butcher the English language or show a lack of knowledge across a wide range of topics or say things that are usually considered inappropriate or give a wink-and-a-nod toward “white power” and they relate. “He’s one of us,” they’d say. With that thought in mind, they’ve now placed such fear into the minds of the GOP-led US Senate that lawmakers in the upper chamber have already begun writing arguments to exonerate Trump and dismiss impeachment as a plot by the Democrats — all before the House of Representatives have even presented the necessary articles and before the Senate “jury” has heard a single syllable of evidence.
If that wasn’t enough, a new Economist/YouGov poll has revealed that a majority of Republicans across America now view Donald Trump as a greater president than Abraham Lincoln. Yes, you read that correctly. ABE LINCOLN! In fact, they consider Trump to be the greatest president EVER behind only Ronald Reagan.
To get to this level of ignorance, lack of command of the facts, and obvious racism during this, the Donald Trump era, is beyond unfathomable.
Religious fools, racists, and overall dummies have propped up the Donald Trump era and given it power. In turn, they’ve tied the hands of a spineless Republican Party that’s so fearful of being voted out of office that they’re willing to squash all morals and their oath to uphold democracy just to put personal gain and political party over country. That fear will control the ultimate decision in the Senate to allow a postulant madman to avoid impeachment and remain running the US of A as if it’s some kind of mafia organization or a monarchy.
America, history has its eyes on you. One day, future generations will look back on the Donald Trump era and shake their heads in amazement at how the (alleged) greatest nation in the world would ever allow a racist, bigoted, sexist, non-spiritual, xenophobic, bankrupt, 2-bit real estate conman to ever become (or remain) our leader. Or worse, how we could ever place him and Abraham Lincoln in the same sentence.
Sigh. Such is the Donald Trump era.
To get to this level of ignorance, lack of command of the facts, and obvious racism during this, the Donald Trump era, is beyond unfathomable. […] -DJ
Hear-Hear! But um DJ…I think you’re still being a little too kind. If I may? I’d like to expound on your words so that it reads:
To get to this level of ignorance AND corruption, lack of Respect for the facts, and obvious racism during this, the Donald Trump era, is beyond unfathomable. […]
Frankly I’ve never been so ashamed to be an American….until now (sigh!)
The thing Repubs have done that is going to come back and bite them is set the precedent. They let Trump do things that every president in the future is going to come back and say is legal because Trump did it. It is the same when Repubs stopped Obama’s Supreme Court pick because it was to close to the election. They don’t care about democracy and they proved it. As for Trump being better than Lincoln I won’t even dignify that stupid remark with a comment.
…..going off topic for just a moment…..
Breaking: Kamala Harris drops out of presidential race
Kamala Harris dropped her presidential campaign on Tuesday after months of failing to lift her candidacy from the bottom of the field — a premature ending for a California senator once heralded as a top-tier contender for the nomination.
Harris told aides of her intentions in an all-staff call. A person familiar with the call said she sounded distraught. While Harris had qualified for the December debate in her home state, she was running dangerously low on cash — lacking the resources to air TV ads in Iowa — and her staff was gripped by long-running internal turmoil. […] Politico, Dec. 3, 2019