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The Donald Trump Power Trip Show!

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As if Sunday’s Trump Parade wasn’t enough, the latest episode of The Donald Trump Power Trip Show played out before the eyes of the American people on Monday — and boy, was it a doozy!

Announcing that he was “bored” being cooped up inside a hospital and worrying that he appeared “weak” under the buckle of a fresh COVID-19 positive diagnosis, Donald Trump delivered a direct order to his naval doctors at the Walter Reed Medical Center: SEND ME HOME!

The Donald Trump Power Trip

As US Military doctors, they were mandated to follow the orders of their Commander-In-Chief. So, on Monday, Donald Trump began a “power trip” back to The White House to show the world that despite killing 200,000+ Americans, the coronavirus was powerless against him.

He began The Donald Trump Power Trip Show with a tweet to America, saying “Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life.” Then, bathed in a fresh coat of orange make-up (unlike from Friday when the world saw his ‘true colors’), Trump emerged from Walter Reed shedding virus left and right before boarding Marine One for his power trip back to The White House.

The health of the presidential helicopter pilots and Secret Service detail be damned. Donald wants what Donald wants — and he wanted to go home by any means necessary.

“The Secret Service signed up to take a bullet for him. Not to take a bullet FROM him.” – Dana Bash, CNN


As Marine One traveled along the Potomac then swooped in for a landing on the South Lawn of The White House, the reasons behind this latest episode of The Donald Trump Power Trip Show became clear: Trump was staging a photo-op. This was all a public relations stunt for a new campaign video!

In majestic splendor, Donald Trump barreled out of Marine One — feeling invincible from the enormously potent dose of steroids he received that has him feeling better than he actually is — then scampered up the outside stairs of The White House to the 2nd level residence. Flanked by 4 American flags and flooded with spotlights from every angle, Trump’s first move upon landing on the balcony was a purposeful display of defiance. He removed his mask then delivered a very slow salute.

The Donald Trump Power Trip

Soon, a White House photographer appeared only inches from him, snapping rapid photos to capture the moment (and to capture the trillions of COVID droplets emanating from the now maskless Trump). After his fake photo-op was complete, Trump entered the 2nd-floor residence and joined at least a half dozen people who were gathered inside.

But, wait!

After only a few moments inside and after likely viewing the footage of his Evita-like balcony scene, the reality TV star Trump apparently wasn’t pleased with what he saw. So, he re-emerged from the residence and re-filmed the entire saga for a more perfect take. Yes, it was all a movie!

“We elected a reality TV star. He proved he cares more about appearances than substance.” – Sen. Chris Coons, D-CT


Trump’s MAGA followers watched The Donald Trump Power Trip Show unfold and learned a few horrible lessons from their dear leader: COVID is no big deal, no one should ever allow the disease to disrupt their life or whatever they want to do, and wearing masks and being hospitalized is a sign of weakness.

As Donald Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center, a reporter shouted the questions: “How many of your staffers are sick?” “Are you a Super Spreader?” Naturally, ‘The Donald’ refused to answer.

In light of his most recent actions and his potential to lead masses over a cliff, is Donald Trump now the most dangerous man in America?

The Donald Trump Power Trip

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The Donald Trump Power Trip

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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In light of his most recent actions and his potential to lead masses over a cliff, is Donald Trump now the most dangerous man in America? […] – DJ

No. In my opinion, he became the most dangerous man in America (if not the world) the minute he was sworn into office. But I will say this – given ALL that’s unfolded the past several days up to his little Mussolini photo-op last evening clearly his madness has gone to a whole new level. And I knew it would the minute he was diagnosed with Covid…and especially after it was revealed to the world.

Btw – DJ forgot to mention how that fool was laboring to breathe during his entire stunt. Won’t surprise me at all if he has to be readmitted back into the hospital soon.

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth I did notice that too. He was on that balcony breathing hard. And it look like he was in pain at one point. I do think he has it but is trying to pretend like he does not. A buddy of mine said he thinks Trump secretly got in a car and went right back to the hospital.


And on a side-note……..

The White House declined the CDC’s offers to help contact trace the administration’s coronavirus outbreak 

[The CDC reportedly extended offers to contact trace twice, and was turned down both times. 

Many of President Trump’s closest associates gathered in the Rose Garden on September 26 to celebrate his nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Few were photographed wearing masks, and the event was not socially distanced. ] – The Hill, 10-6-20

Well of course they declined the CDC’s offer. TWICE. I mean…why on earth would the WH want the American people to know just how many of “Trump’s closest associates” were possibly infected at that event? (being facetious) 

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

On a related note – at least “32 people who have tested positive in the Trump Covid outbreak”  

…including Kellyanne Conway’s 15 yr old daughter Claudia Conway   

A growing number of Trump’s aides and allies are reporting positive results, raising concerns about the scope of the outbreak.

A military aide, or valet, who works in the West Wing in close proximity to the president also tested positive over the weekend, according to a person familiar with the matter said Tuesday.  

In addition to political aides working out of the West Wing, two people who work in the White House residence also tested positive for the coronavirus, albeit weeks ago, according to a person familiar with the matter. – Tues. 10-6-20

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

It must be rough in the Conway house right now. The daughter was on social media having a nervous break down about her mother working for Trump. Then Kellyann went back to work for Trump on the debate and got Covid then passed it to the daughter. I bet that daughter has called her all kinds of bad mother.


This is all a circus now. I watched that whole thing on tv and it was a mess. He put everybody at risk just so he could film a ad for his campaign. Same thing with that drive by he did on Sunday. Why Trump needs to pretend he is not human and can get sick is something I cannot understand.


Why Trump needs to pretend he is not human and can get sick is something I cannot understand. […]

That’s because you’re an intelligent and caring man of sound mind BD. I’ve worked in the field of mental health for over 20 yrs and believe me when say that accurately assessing Trump would pose a real challenge even for some psychiatrists with years of experience. His intellectual disability notwithstanding, there’s just so much other really really bad stuff going on inside this guy.

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

All the drugs and experimental drugs this guy got not one of them was hydroxycloroquine or bleach for that matter.


Yeah….how ’bout that.


Palmer Report:

Earlier this evening Kellyanne Conway’s teenage daughter Claudia Conway announced on Tik Tok that Donald Trump is in bad shape and his doctors are just trying to keep him stable. There is an open question as to whether we can be certain that Claudia’s information is good, but at this point she’s certainly more reliable than Trump’s doctors.


And apparently his little show has thus far Failed to convince investors. The initial Fake “bounce” in the stock market has already gone flat. Down by over 400 points as of a few minutes ago.


Okay maybe it’s time to start asking just counting who DOESN’T have COVID?

Top military leaders in quarantine after Coast Guard admiral tests positive for Covid-19
Senior Pentagon leadership who had been exposed all tested negative on Tuesday and are all self-quarantining. […] – Politico, 10-6-20


Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

Okay maybe it’s time to start asking just counting who DOESN’T have COVID?

Top military leaders in quarantine after Coast Guard admiral tests positive for Covid-19

The nation’s top military leaders, including Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Miley, are self-quarantining after coming into contact last week with the Coast Guard’s No. 2 officer, who tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday, according to administration officials.

Senior military leaders who attended several meetings at the Pentagon last week with Adm. Charles Ray, the vice commandant of the Coast Guard, tested negative for Covid-19 on Tuesday but are self-quarantining as a precaution, a defense official said. […] – Politico, 10-6-20


Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1
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