The Final Pardon: How Trump Might Pardon Himself
Have you heard about ‘The Final Pardon?’ No, it’s not a new action thriller movie playing in a theater near you — but it is a nightmare about to play out in real life with the upcoming election.
Fasten your seat belts and prepare for a very bumpy ride, America. With just under 100 days left until the 2020 election to decide who we want for president, Congress, and 11 gubernatorial races, get ready to face one of the most dangerous, divisive, and conniving times in American history.
If reports from just about every political pollster and analyst (including Fox News) is true, Donald Trump is poised to lose the presidential election in one of the worst political routs ever. Even worse is that his predicted loss will take Congress down with him and likely hand Democrats control of all branches of government for the first time in more than a decade.
If you’ve noticed an abrupt change in Donald Trump over the past week, then you might have recognized he’s been acting like a drowning man grasping for any sort of lifeline just to save himself from demise. For example, not only has ‘The Donald’ started wearing a mask out of nowhere and to the surprise of everyone, but he also (finally) took the advice of his medical advisors and canceled the Florida portion of his GOP convention. In what appears to be an overnight about-face, Trump has gone from a more flippant approach to the virus and the erratic belief that it will magically disappear on its own, to a somber tone of late that at least provides the perception that he’s taking it all very seriously.
What’s behind the radical change from the Oval Office? It’s the polls showing Biden leading Trump in Georgia, Florida, and even Texas, that’s what. Trump won’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning re-election without support from these traditionally red states.
So, what political madness will the American people find themselves entangled in over the next 100 days? Hold on to your hats, folks because ‘The Donald’ has a few tricks up his sleeve!
Recently, Donald Trump sent unidentified federal troops into Portland under the guise of “protecting” US monuments from being desecrated. However, the moment those troops branched out into private neighborhoods and away from the monuments they were supposedly sent to protect, the Trump plan became clear.
Send troops to Portland. Then Chicago, Philly, New York City, and other major Democratic metropolitan cities. Create a mini civil war amongst Americans. Throw in the white supremacists and neo-nazis who’ve been training for a race war for decades and you’ve got a bonafide national emergency on your hands.
Yes, that appears to be the plan. Then, Trump can declare martial law which would provide him permission to postpone the 2020 election until civil order is restored on the streets of America. He would then be able to buy time to come up with the magic COVID-19 vaccine he’s been attempting to race to fruition, or provide a window for Biden to make some major slip-up that would work in Trump’s favor.
For months, Donald Trump has been sowing the seeds that mail-in ballots are rife with inaccuracies that can’t possibly be trusted (despite it being the only way many Americans will be able to cast a ballot safely in light of the ongoing COVID-19 threat). However, don’t be surprised if Donald has a few GOP buddies in a few select state election offices willing to hold up the election count on his behalf and/or even discard hundreds of ballots as “invalid” for a variety of reasons. After all, the sitting Secretary of State on the local level must certify his/her state’s votes before they are legally counted as a win or loss for either candidate. Since many states have a Republican Secretary of State already in place, the fix might already be in to favor Trump.
In light of what will be an enormous voter turn out of epic proportions, long lines and confusion at election sites that could see voters waiting for hours just to cast their ballot, combined with an expected legal challenge from Trump not to accept the night’s results, it’s almost assured we will not know a winner on election night. In fact, the actual winner might not be known for several weeks, if then.
If Joe Biden trounces Trump as expected, then expect Donald Trump to launch multiple lawsuits to challenge the outcome. After all, Trump has been party to hundreds of lawsuits throughout most of his adult life. So, for him, it would be a walk in the park.
However, if all else fails, here’s Trump’s nuclear option:
Imagine, if you will, it’s the morning of January 20, 2021. President-elect Joe Biden and Mrs. Biden are on their way to The White House for the traditional meet and greet coffee prior to heading over to The Capitol for the inauguration. However, during their short car ride to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., an aide alerts them that Donald Trump has just pulled a rabbit out of his hat with The Final Pardon.
Trump knows that a Biden Justice Department will investigate every single dirty deed he was involved in while in office. He also knows that the Southern District of New York is anxiously awaiting that moment when Trump is no longer president so they can arrest and charge him for myriad state crimes.
So, how can Donald Trump use one last constitutional trick up his sleeve to save his own ass? The Final Pardon.
As the Biden’s pull into the circle driveway of The White House to greet the Trump’s during the proverbial passing of the baton, imagine Trump turning them away and refusing to meet them. Instead, he skips attending the inauguration altogether and, at 10 minutes before the stroke of noon (the official time the presidency changes hands), Trump issues The Final Pardon to — himself!
In a brief written statement, Trump would say, “Under absolute powers bestowed on me as President under Article II of the Constitution, I am awarding a full prospective, presidential pardon to the person who has been the most unfairly investigated and persecuted by our corrupt system of justice: Donald J. Trump.” He could then add language that his pardon includes any past crimes previously committed, or any and all future crimes that have not yet been made public.
The Final Pardon would be one gigantic blanket statement that could cover his entire past and his entire future. He would earn the moniker ‘Teflon Don’ and would gain a special “Get Out Of Jail Free” card allowing him to get off scot-free for everything!
Is The Final Pardon possible? You better believe it. Is it legal? That’s the million-dollar question.
In 1972, Gerald Ford handed Richard Nixon a “full, free and absolute pardon” for all federal crimes he “committed or may have committed” during his presidency — thereby making it impossible to charge him with anything. However, there are a boatload of prosecutors in New York who are armed with years of charges against Trump that could successfully supersede any pardon. Presidential pardons are for federal crimes. They hold no jurisdiction over state crimes.
So, all the SDNY court would need is to come up with enough charges to successfully convict Trump to a 10-20 year sentence. Since he’s now 74, that would theoretically equate to a lifetime sentence that would punish him for years of criminal activity and assure that he would never see the light of day as a free man. The Biden Justice Department could still conduct a full investigation and make public all of the wrongdoings Trump engaged in while in office. However, that move would be more for the court of public opinion, since Donnie would already be behind bars.
Make no mistake: the stakes for Donald Trump winning the 2020 election could not be higher. If he wins, he gets to stay around The White House for 4 more years and finish the job of totally destroying the country and creating a deeper racial divide while allowing Jared Kushner and others to actually run the country. He could also play as much golf as he wants and (hopefully for him) return to his beloved 25,000+ attended rallies where throngs of MAGA cult followers provide the ego strokes he craves.
However, if things go south for ‘The Donald’ as is being predicted, Joe Biden will win the presidency. Nancy Pelosi will retain control of the US House. Mitch McConnell will be sent packing and Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer will be handed the keys to the US Senate. Oh, and Prisoner 1245789, also known as Donald Trump, would be sitting in a 4×8 prison cell amidst a prison population hell-bent on proving to him that Black lives do indeed matter.
Not even The Final Pardon would be able to help him, then.
Of course you’re right DJ. Trump’s not running to get re-elected. He never actually wanted the job in the first place. And that’s even truer now that He knows that WE (the entire world) now knows that he’s just a colossal cluster flick.
He knows that WE now know that he: doesn’t actually know anything about anything; can’t focus on anything for more than a nano-second to save his life; AND is lazy as H*ll. I doubt he’s ever worked even a half day in his whole adult life.
Corrupt to his core, the guy is up to his neck in all kinds of really really bad *stuff* that would undoubtedly land him behind bars if concrete evidence exists against him (and his 3 oldest kids and Kushner too for that matter).
So yep. Donald is indeed running this time, trying to “avoid prison.”
DJ I hope the Dems read WASSUP because you hit on every single point. I bet this is Trumps whole playbook word for word. Now him trying to pardon himself at the last minute is the only thing that worries me. I do not want him to get away with anything. I know you did your research so the SDNY state charges should take care of everything. But you are right these next 100 days are going to be real bumpy and things are about to get crazy.
This is a genius plan all around. I can see 45 attempting a self-pardon if he’s backed into a corner. Still, if New York is ready to pick up the mantle and convict him outside of federal jurisdiction that would be the icing on the cake. The national polls look good for Joe Biden but all that could change. The first step will be to prepare for trickery at the voting booths, particularly in the south. If we can get beyond the cheats and voter suppression on the local level I think we’ll be okay. We really have to turn out and vote like it’s the 1960s all over again no matter what 45 does.