Current Events

The Mask of Masculinity

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November 19, 2014

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Lifestyle –
The Mask of Masculinity
We’ve seen and heard it all before:  fathers teaching their sons that “men don’t cry” and that boys should “man up” and stop showing emotion.  However, the part we don’t see is how this ignorant and barbaric mentality has completely warped our young male population.

Males and females alike all have emotions.  It’s part of being a human being.  However, when males are taught they should suppress emotion and pretend it doesn’t exist inside them for the sake of masculinity, that is the equivalent of trying to suppress flatulence.  Eventually, the suppressed emotions are going to build up until they explode.

Jennifer Seibel Newsom has tackled this topic head on with her documentary, “The Mask You Live In.”  It is a amazingly well done and heart wrenching look at the mask of masculinity and what American society has deemed what it means to “be a man.”

Take a look at the documentary clip below.  It is truly life changing.

OK WASSUP! covers current events of the day.  
Today’s article: “The Mask You Live In” and masculinity in America.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Ok that was unexpected and deep. I'm a little speechless after watching it because it challenges everything me and most of the men I know grew up learning. I might need to think on this some.

  2. The truth is, over the years I've seen, up close, the devastating effects of so many (still) little boys living in grown men's bodies, struggling with the life-long scars of such a harmful mask and cultural mentality.

    Makes me wanna HOLLA!!!

    ……and then it makes me wanna cry.

  3. This is a great introduction to a discussion that is way overdue. I think once we as a society really embrace examining our views on what it means to be a Man, we will find some discoveries in our own best interest.

    Thanks for presenting DJ

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