Comments on: The NAACP Did What?!?!? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:21:23 +0000 The Grio:
In the least surprising news of the day the President of the LA Chapter of the NAACP has a shady past. Back in the 90s Leon Jenkins was investigating for being a crooked judge in Detroit.

Even though he was acquitted and there were some questions about jury tampering, Jenkins lost his law license. [….]

I repeat. That branch should be closed.


By: Truthizz Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:17:46 +0000 As I said, it's just an oberseravtion.

BUT that observation for me had nothing to do with their "religious" affiliation (I don't know that any of them are "religious"?)…it was in fact prompted by the following recorded exchange between Sterling and his mistress:

Sterling: "It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs."

The Mistress: "So do you have to treat them like that, too?"

Sterling: "The white Jews, there's white Jews and black Jews. Do you understand?"

Mistress: "And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?"

Sterling: "A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent."


By: Susan Tue, 29 Apr 2014 23:30:25 +0000 I don't understand how they missed this. Clearly they were blinded by the almighty dollar and less about the people that they are supposed to serve. If anything this is a teachable moment for both the Clippers and the LA Office of the NAACP. There are no innocent parties to be found.

By: Mr. BD Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:11:30 +0000 The NAACP looks like fools. They should be embarrased. I have no words.

By: Luke Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:45:19 +0000 I am unsure where you are going with grouping Stern, Sterling and Silver together and then stating their religious affiliation. I would hate to be outraged over the discrimination of one group and then jump to conclusions over a group of men from a separate group. I hope you are not inferring that their religious affiliation is what made them inclined to ignore racism.
