Comments on: The Next Great American Threat Is… News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 25 May 2020 06:08:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 18 May 2020 22:29:28 +0000 My apologies for the repeated response! There was a glitch in the system and DJ fixed it but I can’t delete the repeated response.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 18 May 2020 19:01:19 +0000 THIS really is some serious stuff DJ is pointing out here. He includes the gradual surrendering of our Right to Privacy – the “Death of Privacy” or Confidentiality to those who rule Us all in the name of supposedly making/and keeping Us “Safer.

Which brings to my mind the words of the English philosopher, David Hume. I recently became aware of Hume’s work via the Jewish-Amer. intellectual, Noam Chomsky.

[Generally regarded as one of the most important philosophers to write in English, David Hume (1711-1776) was also well known in his own time as an historian and essayist.] – Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

In short: One of the main observances pondered by Hume during his lifetime…laid out in detail in a collection of “brilliant essays” …is this:

“NOTHING appears more surprizing to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers.” – Of The First Principles of Government

So with Trump in office THAT sentence struck me like a rock because it’s true. Trump imposes his will upon Our entire government and Us, WITH EASE and absent any accountable at all. He still has a sizable support system (included in the U.S. Senate), no matter the consequences. NOT the majority of Americans. But sizable support nonetheless. And there’s NO guarantee he’ll be defeated on Nov. 3, 2020.

It’ll all come down to WHO actually shows up to Vote.

“Elections have consequences” – Pres. Barack Obama

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 18 May 2020 17:31:34 +0000 I mean….THIS is really some Serious stuff DJ is pointing out. He includes the gradual surrendering of our Right to Privacy – the “Death of Privacy” or Confidentiality to those who *rule* Us all in the name of supposedly making/and keeping Us “Safer.

And it brings to my mind the works of the English philosopher, David Hume. I recently became aware of Hume’s work via the Jewish-American intellectual, Noam Chomsky.

[Generally regarded as one of the most important philosophers to write in English, David Hume (1711-1776) was also well known in his own time as an historian and essayist.] – Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

In short: One of the main observances pondered by Hume during his lifetime…and laid out in detail in a collection of “brilliant essays” …is this:

“NOTHING appears more surprizing to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the EASINESS with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit SUBMISSION with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers.” – Of The First Principles of Government

Suffice it to say that with Trump in office THAT sentence struck me like a rock as ALL of America observes how Trump imposes his will upon Our entire government and Us, WITH EASE, absent any accountability at all.

And WE The People sit and wait on Nov. 3, 2020 to deliver Ourselves from Evil…with absolutely NO guarantee that WE will actually achieve Our goal. That is Crazy!

Honestly, rarely have I ever felt this alarmed and this disgusted at the same time.

By: Mr.BD Mon, 18 May 2020 16:24:12 +0000 I agree this is a excellent post that makes you think. The points I am most concerned about is white supremacy and Trump getting another term. Both these things go hand in hand since Trump’s whole base is white racist. I was just telling a friend the same thing DJ said. If Trump loses these white boys are going to go nuts. I could see a race war coming out of it too. They have too many guns and they are always hunting getting in their practice. This is not something we should ignore. I am glad DJ brought all this to our attention.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 18 May 2020 15:23:08 +0000 Very good post DJ, All very credible points and all points are well made.

For me the “great next American threat” is “White Supremacy.” In other words the same threat that’s always been there and will continue to be at least for the foreseeable future. As DJ correctly noted:

Trump has worked hard to “embolden” that deeply fearful, fragile and troublesome group. They won’t just “go away” peacefully IF Trump loses in November because Trump won’t just “go away” peacefully.

That dangerous fool will raise all kinds of H*ll and make-up all kinds of BS claims as why the election was “stolen” from him. His minions will PRETEND to believe him when they’ll know d*mn well it’s just a load of crap. But they’ll do their damnedest to tear up this country anyway because that’s just WHO they are.

But here’s the deal – Come this November, I hope and pray THIS Revelation busts Trump and his minors right between the eyes: This AIN’T the “America” of 1920.

Heck, this ain’t even the same “America” it was as of Feb this year.

IF WE, the majority Americans (Black and White) stand UNITED against Trump and his minions, Trump and his minions Can.Not.Win.

But WE shall see.
